A review of the Work for Gun Project

Day 842, 04:43 Published in Japan Japan by Democratic Party of Japan
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The Work for Gun Project has been trialled for over a week. Hundreds of guns are distributed to our employees. This article is a review of the program operation, and its impacts.

Our Aim

To recap, the aim of the project is to help increase our domestic consumption of weapons, which has been the backbone of our economy for the last 3 to 4 months. By increasing domestic consumption, this will ease the stockpiling situation in Japan.

Project Operation

The program primarily hired lower skill workers because we identified this group as people who doesn't usually buy weapon for battles because of the amount of income they normally received. We offered a small subsidy toward a potion of the weapon they receive, and the result is, people who normally don't buy weapons are now consumers of our domestic weapons.

The result so far

In term of the price of weapons, in the Q1 market, the price has dropped from ~1.76 JPY to the current price of 1.5 JPY, a reduction of 14%.

In term of the amount of stockpile in Japan, the Q1 weapon stockpile has reduced from the record height of 7300 to ~6200 weapons.

Of course, our project is not the main causes of this reduction, there are other reasons that contribute to this, and the stockpile level is still very high, for a small market like us. But perhaps, our project has raise enough awareness to people on how to manage with our economic woes, and maybe we have become the catalyst to change things around.

Worker's perspective

Apart from playing a role in our economic recovery, the WfGP also help new players to increase their rank faster, because they are able to deal more damage in the training exercise, and this would help them to reach the goal of getting to a higher military rank sooner. In addition, I am kinda suprise some of our employees doesn't know how to fight and train, we have managed to contact some of the people and pass this knowledge of fight and heal to them.


In summary, while I don't claim the WfGP will fix our economic woe in a short term, but I think this along with any ideas, like the gift day by the SOS that helps to increase domestic consumption and reduce stockpiling is good for our economy and is definitely worth continuing. We are seeking any donations to continue the project longer. You don't have to send money to us, just buy our products and this will go a long way to keep this program running. Thanks.

Best Regards,
Party President of the DPJ

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