A Review of A Comphrehensive Economic Plan

Day 345, 17:04 Published in USA USA by AidenAstrup

Peregrine announced his economic plan today in his newspaper Peregrine For America. It is a LONG comprehensive list of projects he plans to release, one of which I thought of before, but he gave details and a name to - WarGames which I will get to later.

This will include my own opinions of each plan, but also a quick summary in case you don't have the time to read it, but I HIGHLY suggest you do.

Government Investments
This is basically a plan to make official what Peregrine has already suggested and indeed has been implemented into eUSA. Moving funds from the Treasury to the Federal Reserve by buying, at ridiculously high prices, hospitals and signing a contract with the trusted seller who then donates a said amount into the Fed Reserve.

I have nothing to say. I highly support this though wish the admin would allow a simpler and more safe way to do these transactions.

Small Business Agency

You will REALLY want to read this one. "The Small Business Agency’s (SBA) primary purpose is to provide free consulting and assistance to small business owners (read, citizens opening their first business). " If elected President, I have no doubt in saying that Peregrine will manage to create many programs and organizations that will exist for many generations. The SBA will provide loans and the consulting has its own program where advisors have to get a certificate from large companies that know how the game works (economic one).


I had thought of this earlier considering eveyone's thoughts of how war helps econmies - why not have approved friendly wars? Peregrine took this and made it official. He believes "war is the ONLY means by which an economy can become truly successful." Compare that to DesertFalcon (running for President under the eRepublikans For Change ticket) who thinks the eUSA is not ready for a war. Benn Dover (Federalist Party) says war is harmful, but proposes the same idea as Peregrine. Peregrine goes in to say that the eUSA would create a contract between our bordering countries and notify everyone with an MPP that they should not get involved in the one. Both sides would split costs for the war, while one would be defense and one would be offense. Peregrine states that the domestic economies would begin to flourish as fighter from all over flocked to the new "WarGame", and the domestic military, and purchased from the domestic market: food, weapons, gifts, etc. Banach, a canadian citizen running for Prime Minister stated WarGames "is a clever idea, that if executed properly, can be fun, increase activity, test out national armies, and of course, kick up the economy."

This is a genius idea to say the least, and will greatly increase our foreign relations as our neighboring countries benefit from "transactions" if you will, from the eUSA.

Official Newspaper Support
I log on multiple times a day to check the news, forums (erepublik, eUSA, USWP), the country administration and mail in order to understand what is happening in the world. I have read through much of the presidential candidates positions and have officially decided to endorse Peregrine. His views are phenomenal, and his flow of ideas are endless. In a personal email between Peregrine and myself he state😛

 "One of the things that I'd like to develop as president is a move away from expecting the president to speak every day on 'what they're doing' and more of a dialogue. That is the job of the Fourth Estate - of the Press. In my campaign article on transparency and government communication I will build on this idea and codify my administration's press and communications policies. "

I urge you to read as much as you can in the media and forums, email the candidates and try to learn about their positions so that on Nov. 5th, you can make an informed decision, no matter who you vote for.