A Reprint

Day 1,269, 07:30 Published in Ireland Ireland by John O'Melveny
Greetings Ireland.

In my last article, I claimed that due to the incompetence of President Jacques, Ireland had lost 100gold from its nearly-empty accounts to sign two MPPs, which, due to Jacques not knowing simple game mechanics, failed and have been lost.

I would like to apologise for making this statement. I was, in fact, incorrect.

You see, as outlined elsewhere (try Marcus Suridius' newspaper for a more detailed explanation), Ireland has no active foreign affairs unit.

For that reason, Brazil, Irelands 'ally', forced it to pay both sides of the MPP, so 100g for both sides.

For this reason, the cost of President Jacques incompetence was indeed 150gold, not 100gold as I printed yesterday.

I apologise to you all, not least President Jacques for underestimating his amazing ability to fail at everything he does.

Yours sincerely,
John O'Melveny,
Future President of Ireland.