A Report on Alliance Changing

Day 2,051, 17:28 Published in Canada Canada by Venerable One

Greetings fellow eCanadians,

It has come to my attention that there are a few individuals that are wanting us to leave Asgard and to join the Circle of Trust.Here I will include an unbiased, factual report on how this can be achieved.

According to the Asgard Treaty,

§11 A country can end their membership by a majority vote of 67% or more by their congress. If no congress exists, it is up to the CP of said nation to decide. If HQ has reason to believe the CP is acting in malice, and not in the interest of its people, it can disregard its decision, and demand a congressional vote. Same procedure can be applied to §9.

This puts us in an interesting situation. In our case, the CP would have the power to decide on leaving Asgard. Unless, however, the people of Canada expressed to Asgard HQ that the decision made by the CP is not representative of the populous. Here, we can see a check against the power of a CP with his own agenda. Precedent in Asgard proceedings is to allow the most recent congress a vote. Take note that this congressional vote would require 67% of the re-instituted congress. Failing this, it would go to a public referendum.

Now, what about getting into the Circle of Trust?

I'll go ahead and post the full section of the Charter dealing with new membership:

1. All alliance members are by default equals.
2. In order to join the alliance the government of the potential applicant state must contact the Supreme Command expressing its will to become a member.
3. The Supreme Command is consequently obliged to propose its application for approval at the next Council summit.
4. The applicant becomes an official candidate only if the Council approves its application unanimously and no member state opposed or abstained at the membership proposal vote.
5. The official candidate should then prove its allegiance to the alliance with its actions for a period of three months.
6. In the end of this trial period the Council votes again on its application.
7. Consequently the official candidate becomes a full member if

1. all member states approve this unanimously
2. its President proposes a national referendum or an open vote in the state’s Congress for the approval of this membership
3. more than ⅔ of the members of congress (or the votes at the referendum) are in favor of the membership

What does this mean? Trial membership only requires a CP proposal to CoT, with the rest being entirely on CoT's end. After the three month trial member, a national referendum or congressional vote is required. The percentage required is not listed in the charter, so we can assume this means 51%. Regardless, Canada has no congress, and likely won't, so a national referendum would have to be completed.

On both parts of this procedure, leaving Asgard and joining CoT, it would appear that the power of the people is more important than the power of the CP Medal. As it should be.

The One and Only,