A recap and a detailed look into the future

Day 958, 21:54 Published in Canada Canada by Bill Forder

Sadly V1 is ending, for some this is going to be a new beginning, and for others this is the end.

Some things we have seen
May or may not be in order
The fall of ATLANTIS
North American Invasion
Fortis v.s EDEN to become the replacement for ATLANTIS
EDEN becoming the new alliance and beating back PEACE
Brolliance former
PEACE falls
Phoenix rises
USA enters Asia
2 of the 3 "Pillars" down, marked as a victory for EDEN and friends
United Kingdom invaded, holds off at London
France and other nations break off from Phoenix
Indonesia falls as a superpower
Liaoning last pillar, goes to Serbia and is defended heavely
Russian PM goes mad and activates MPPs
EDEN nearly wipes out Hungary late in V1
EDEN activates MPPs
Both alliances are pretty even in MPP activation towards the last couple of days of V1

Jacobi becomes Prime Minister, over and over again
DAL takes the top spot with a large member count
Discovered that eCanada has terrible financial security issues
Rise of powerful politicians such as Citizen B and TFD
Tyler F. Durden tragically passes away
Marius Coroleone just a short time before TFD, passes away
Once respected 1ronman shocks the nation by being discovered as the theif, betrays nation

"Winner" of V1
Winner: Phoenix (6 High Iron regions)
Loser: EDEN (5 regions)
Reason: Phoenix has 1 more region, which by itself isn't that impressive. What is impressive is Serbia being able to control the region and use it to it's max potential. Russia and Brazil have 4 iron regions between them, Brazil is in a safe spot surrounded by allies and Russia is the prize jewel of Phoenix in terms of regions.
Danger:The only way I can see this changing is if Phoenix members turn on Russia and while distracted EDEN moves in, though this is unlikely.

Winner: EDEN (7 High Titanium regions)
Loser: Phoenix (2 regions)
Reason: With 5 more regions, anyone can safely say that EDEN has the advantage, plus the only 2 regions Phoenix has are both in Russia, which holds back it's max potential.
Danger: Australia and South Africa hold 5 of the regions together, both are in "danger" zones with no nearby allies. The main investment in EDEN diamonds will be Canada with the USA as a nearby ally.

Winner: Tie
Loser: -
Reason: Though EDEN has 12 of the regions over the 11 of Phoenix, Canada has 7 of the high wood regions which could threaten EDEN if Canada is invaded. Personally I would feel a little safer as an eCanadian if Poland had a region in Canada, but that's just me.
Danger: eCanada being invaded would create a battle to control the 7 wood regions

Winner: EDEN(13 High Oil regions)
Loser: Phoenix(11 regions)
Reason: EDEN has more oil regions and most are in pretty secure spots.
Danger: Mexico and friends take back their regions, the USA gets conquered(Very unlikely)

Winner: Tie
Loser: -
Reason: To be honest, grain is the least important of all of these resources. The regions will constantly shift and one alliance will always have a slight advantage.
Danger: -

Sorry for the short article but once erep gets updated I will republish with more info

Alliance winner of V1: EDEN
Country winner of V1: Russia/Serbia
Future economic power: Russia
Future military power: Serbia/Russia team; China
Baby boom of V2: China/USA
Who will fall first in V2: EDEN will fall but re-create around the USA quickly, Phoenix will fall and see some countries flip sides(Italy for example)
Next war: Russia-USA-Serbia
Continent to look for V2 fighting: The Americas
Votes this article will get:10-15 with server going down
Will I be here for V2: Maybe, probably not on the battlefield though D=