A reason why we should print more money? 우리 돈좀 뽑읍시다

Day 1,148, 21:54 Published in South Korea Japan by utoronto

Hi, this is utoronto, a congressman elected in Jeju.
I do not usually write in public, but I became too worried about the country's economy.

A law proposal of issuing 20000KRW was proposed yesterday on the congress, however, rejected.
The main reason for the rejection was on fear of inflation. However, it is not the time to worry about the inflation. We should rather worry deflation.

When people expect prices to fall, they will be less likely to spend. When prices are falling, you can just hold on to the money and make a good investment out of it where the money will be valued more in the future. As a result of the decreased spending and investment, economy will cease to grow and even enter the era of negative growth.

Idea of strong KRW seems ideal, but in reality, it is just nonsense. How would it benefit eSK citizens anyway? What difference would more-valued-money make if you earn less? What we need is rather a stable currency. Due to the severe deflation, companies suffer from low selling prices, and job market started to collapse because of the company's bad performance. Deflation will only benefit someone who possess huge amount of KRW, somewhat like 100K, and waiting to change them into gold!

The economy will stay depressed because people expect deflation, and deflation will continue because the economy remains depressed (So called a deflationary trap). It is time for government to intervene and get our economy out of the deflationary trap.

In order to achieve this, government needs money to start the policies!
I think there will be another proposal in few hours, please vote yes to the proposal.

안녕하세요 utoronto라고 합니다
전원래 신문이란 것 조차 없었는데 루마니아 십숑키들이 자꾸 깝쳐서 어쩔 수 없이 글을 쓰게 됐습니다.

어제 국회에 원화를 발행하는 법안이 제출됐었습니다만 부결이 확실히 됐네요.
인플레이션은 안 된다! 하면서 반대를 하던데, 지금 우리나라는 인플레는 무슨 디플레이션을 걱정해야 될 때가 아닐까 싶습니다.

시장가격이 떨어진다 예상되면 나중에 상품들을 더 낮은 가격에 살 수 있으므로 현 지출이 줄고, 지출과 투자의 감소는 결국 경제성장에 방해가 되죠. 또 경기 회복이 이루어지지 않으므로 이 악순환이 계속 반복될 거고요.

클라포 떨거지들이 자꾸 원화의 강세가 필요하다 멍멍소리를 하는데요그냥 터무니없는 소리입니다. 원화 강세면 뭐합니까 임금이 저렇게 막 떨어지는데. 인력시장 보시면 아실겁니다. 원화가 강세면 클라포 쉽새들이 뽑았던 십만 원을 금으로 바꿀때나 좋겠죠 뭐 ㅡㅡ..

몇 시간 후에 다시 법안이 제출될 거 같은데 찬성해주십쇼.
한국 분들은 다 찬성하셨다 믿고 짧게 썼습니다.