A rant about our congress and the impeachment.

Day 2,306, 15:09 Published in Australia Canada by Claire Louise

Earlier today, a vote to impeach our CP, Cyber.Casper was put up for Congress to vote on. For anyone who doesn't know (and in all fairness, you SHOULD), Cyber.Casper has LEFT the game thanks to an altercation on IRC in which certain players were very nasty to him.

Having checked the results, four of our ten congressmen have voted NO to the impeachment. For a vote to pass, it needs 66% of congress to vote yes. Because of Aus only holding one region at the time of senate elections, we only have 10 congress members. That means that we would need 7 yes votes out of 10. We already have 4 no votes. In other words, the impeachment will NOT pass, and an impeachment will NOT be able to be proposed for another 7 days.

Senate... You messed up, big time. No other way to put it, it can't be sugar coated. At least 5 people on that congress list use the forums and would have known about this. Some congress members this term I have never heard of, but that is down to the party presidents. You messed up. Oh, and for those who didn't know... It's currently top news, on the ADF article... In the damn title, so I'm not entirely sure what feasible excuse any of you would have for voting no.

Mind... Blown.

/end rant

EDIT: Decided to go through the congress list.

Marcos Ariola - Active on forums, should have known.
Argi The Eliminator - Active on forums, should have known.
Skraus - Active, last on forums yesterday.
LetRockNRoll - not on forums, unsure about in game activity, new player on my radar.
Csanat - Active on forums, should have known.
Jeff Vader - somewhat active on forums, has been on today, should have known.
Damien Gaby - not on forums, unsure of in game activity, new player on my radar.
Majester - active for the most part, last on forums yesterday.
Binda - Active, knew all about it.
Sirjames244 - Active, was on forums yesterday, should have known.

10 people. Marcos, Argi, Csanat, Jeff and Binda should have all been absolute 100% yes votes considering they were active today on the forums. Skraus, Jeff, Majester and Sirjames should have been yes votes given that they are active in the game, and given that my ADF article with CC leaving in the title is top news. The other two...either way.

2nd EDIT: I'm not calling any one single person out (well, maybe one person in particular) so please don't take offense, but we're all struggling to understand what has gone on here.

3rd update: can the two remaining congressmen who have yet to vote please vote yes. I have a plan.