A Rage Quit of Epic Proportions

Day 932, 16:41 Published in USA USA by Angelini

After a long hard day at work, imagine my surpirse when I log into Erepublik and I see this. My initial red blooded, Amurican response was, quite naturally, "OMGWTFBBQ?!??1!!/!?!/e!even?!?!??! !?!11!?" followed by a hearty cry of &quot😉ESTROY THE RUBOTS! GO GO GO!!".

After a period of quiet contemplation, I discovered this Russian Law Proposal and the cobwebbed covered gears in my head started turning. A teeny little bit of digging later, and things were all coming together.

In my search I saw a slew of strange Russian Proposals initiated by current President HankScorpio. These include attacking Finnish, Chinese, and American original territories, thus activating the MPP stacks of each country against Russia. The reason given for these attacks according to this article released by President HankScorpio today is to, and I quote with this crudely translated Google Translate translation, "increase interest in the game to provoke a military conflict with unfriendly neighbors." Unfortunately, Hank seems to be out of money and cannot continue his crusade to increase interest by attacking Poland. There was also a random peace proposals as well as a New Citizen Message proposal that unfortunately looks like it will not pass.

The epitome of cool

Now, in my opinion, HankScorpio is one of the coolest people I have never had the pleasure of meeting (he has also yet to accept my friend request ;_😉. The reasoning behind impeaching a president after 3 days in office have yet to become apparent, but I trust they will eventually rise to the surface. For now we are simply left with the knowledge that Russia may have started a fight with the wrong man. A lesser man may have gone meekly into the night. BUT NOT HANKSCORPIO. Russia slighted a man who was perfectly willing to kick her in the face for her transgressions.

HankScorpio should be inducted as an Honorary Amurican Hero. At the very least, he should be entered into the books as having the steel balls required to pull off this rage quit of epic proportions and bightening my day. If I wore a hat, I would tip it to you sir.

Breaking News - In the time since publication, HankScorpio has accepted my friend request!