A Quick Look at the Future

Day 1,343, 10:52 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by sgtchewy

I'm leaving the MOI of the header this time because I'm not strictly talking about news right now. I'm here to discuss what happens after we get a congress in. As you may or may not know I'm running for congress. I would like to hear your thoughts on what we should do because I know I will forget some things and it will make me look like a colossal nincompoop.
Here is what I think we should do in the order they need to be done but, feel free to disagree.

Step 1. Get peace treaties up with all surrounding countries. I don't know if this is possible considering we're not at war right now but if it is we must do it. We are to small of a country to be able to hold countries that big if they attack.

Step 2. Redo the MPP's with our Luna allies, I'm assuming we are still a member of this esteemed alliance. This will give us a slight bit more protection as well as letting us fight for a good cause on a regular basis.

Step 3. Set up an official government army. I don't know if we already have one but if we don't we should probably get one up ASAP. We need to be better protected in the future and this is one way to do it. If a well organized one is made it will do an uncountable amount of good.

There is only one more ting I would like to make clear. Vote, I don't care who you vote for, whether it is for me or my biggest enemy it doesn't matter, just make your opinion heard, Sgt.Chewy
(This document does not express the opinion of our current government in anyway shape or form. Any body who says otherwise is itching for a fight.)