A Proposition

Day 4,457, 19:27 Published in Canada Canada by Mann551

Hello eCanada,

I have a proposition for you.

See, I've been playing eRepublik for many years now. My reasons for playing eRepublik are mostly political, with a little bit of economy in there.

I have a desire for the dictator medals, and for pride reasons, I need it to be in Canada. Therefore, I offer this proposal and look to you all for support in this.

On February 15th, I will initiate a coup in eCanada, thus beginning the process of installing myself as dictator of Canada. I will remain dictator of eCanada for 30 days, at which point I will receive the true dictator medal. By my calculations, that should happen on March 16th or 17th. At this time I will turn it back over to democracy, because honestly...

What you can expect from a Mann551 Dictatorship

A dictatorship is obviously not an ideal form of government in most situations. The current situation in eCanada does not call for one to be installed. As such, I offer these proposals as reimbursement and consolation for working with me in helping me achieve these medals.


The first and biggest question will be costs. I will bear the cost of the coup (1,000,000 cc) and the liberation (additional 1,000,000 cc) as well as the daily dictatorship upkeep fee (estimated at 550,000 cc)


I will also run two programs. The first of which is a medal reimbursement program. While I am dictator, I will reimburse all who are elected to congress the 5 gold for their election that they would otherwise miss out on. Additionally, whoever is elected as CP on March 5th will also receive the 5 gold they would otherwise miss out on, as they will have to take over from me once democracy has been restored.

The second program which I would run is a Universal Basic Income program. I would have people sign up for the Universal Basic Income, and then once installed as dictator of eCanada, I will transfer each person who had signed up 1,000 cc per day, no strings attached.


The governing of eCanada will continue as if I were President rather than dictator, with congress being duly consulted on decisions, along with an executive comprised of the many familiar faces you are used to seeing.


In closing, I would ask that you lend me your support in this endeavour of mine to acquire the dictator medals. Trust me to make eCanada a better place while I am at it. I can't do this alone, I don't have the strength. If you support me in this endeavour, I'd encourage you to please let me know in the comments, send me a message, and perhaps most importantly, join my military unit for the coup, as this will allow you to fight on the side of the coup rather than on the side to maintain democracy.

Again, I ask and hope for your support. Please let me know so that I do not waste people's time, energy bars, weapons, and money.

Special Thanks to those who donated in response to my last article for making this a possibility:
Exalted Druid
Mohawk Warrior
Jax J. Teller