A Postpartisan America

Day 647, 20:33 Published in USA Ireland by Mercurius100

What is post-partisanship? I'll let Wiki explain that one a little:

What is post-partisanship in the context of the eUS? And why would we want it?

I believe that there is a better way to conduct politics in the eUS. We need not assume that only the party we belong to can come up with the best ideas for our country. We should not be shouting down others because we came up with an idea so we must be right, and they didn't so they must be wrong. We cannot claim that a proposal is the correct one if only one party crafts an idea while shutting out input from the rest of the country, even if they have the power to force their proposal through.

We shouldn't be asking what proposals are the best for myself or my party, but what proposals are best for my country. To do that we need to be able to work together, to debate towards creating the best ideas for how to advance our country, with input from people of all political viewpoints.

Our country has become increasingly divided between our groups holding different political beliefs. Our default reaction to an idea from someone else is to shout it down, not to listen, because nobody from a party different from mine could ever come up with a good idea. "Only my party knows the best things to do for our country."

Progress for our country will not come out of constant political bickering. Progress for our country will not come from just one party. The best for our country comes from open collaboration, being able to communicate with our political "allies" and "opponents" and being able to work towards our shared goals. Because we do share the same goals, we all want our country to be the strongest and the safest and the most prosperous.

The best ideas don't come from just one party, they come from all of us together. The best legislation is not what we can force through into law but what we have all been able to contribute to and have gained wide consensus towards.

All of us politicians need to remember that we are all eUS citizens, none of us care about our country any more or any less. Our country cannot reach its maximum potential with just the ideas of one, we need the ideas and the contributions of all. When we assume that only we can be right, when we choose to stop listening to what others have to contribute, our country loses out on what it could be if we were united and would just work together. When partisanship is what is most important, our country loses, and we all lose.

We need not be bound by our party affiliations. We need not forget that we are all eAmericans, we are all patriots, we all believe in and want what is best for our great country.

Partisanship and bickering are not a requirement of politics, they are a choice. We can say no to politics as a shouting match where the loudest voice is the only voice that is heard. We can say no to politics as a battle of wills where only the most determined get to contribute to the process. We can say no to politics where only one group contributes while the ideas of others are summarily ignored because they are not from the in group.

We can say no to the partisanship that is holding down our country.

We can say yes to the politics of communication, collaboration, and unity in pursuing our shared goal. A safer, stronger, more prosperous, and united eUS.

Together, let's say no to partisanship. Together, let's say yes to a better eAmerica.

Update on activity as Senator:

--In-game Proposal 13066, Peace Treaty with Indonesia, voted YES. Though it was assumed that Indonesia would not agree to the treaty, and in fact their Congress overwhelmingly rejected it, an accepted peace treaty would have removed Indonesia's direct ability to attack the eUS further and let us concentrate on fighting Russia and at the time Portugal.

--In-Game Proposal 13223, Reduction of Income Tax on Hospitals to 1%, voted NO. This proposal was not discussed at all in Congress nor was a part of a comprehensive tax policy. Without being able to properly consider such an important piece of legislation I voted no.

--In-Game Proposal 13241, Issuing USD on the Monetary Market, voted YES. This is a standard issuance of money by the government and was approved without opposition.

--In-Game Proposal 13244, Transfer USD to the Congressional Budget Office, voted YES. Another standard piece of legislation for the financing of the eUS government, passed without opposition.

--In-game proposal 13308, Transfer USD to the Congressional Budget Office, voted YES. Same as proposal 13244.

--Ratification of the Contract Treaty with Portugal, voted YES. Negotiated by President Emerick, this is a good treaty to close open hostilities with Portugal and lets us regain the states currently being held by Portugal.

Go Team AAP!
Go Team USA!

Senator, Vermont
President, America's Advancement Party