A Political Party For The Workers Republik

Day 3,972, 17:00 Published in Ireland Ireland by Comrade Xi Jinping

"A Political Party For The Workers Republik"

October 5th, Day 3,972

I am running for the Party Chairman position of the Irish Revolutionary Force that will take place in 9 days (Day 3,981). I plan on doing a massive overhaul of the Party. In this article I will talk about what those changes are more thoroughly than my last article did.

Renaming the Party

The Irish Revolutionary Force is well overdue for a name change. This change, however, will not remove its revolutionary character. Upon being elected I will conduct a vote to determine the Party's new brand. The names I am proposing shall be:
-Irish Social Democratic Party
-Communist Party of Ireland
-ÉIRE (?, Independence, Revolution, Emancipation)

Establish Party Organization

The Party will immediately reform its organization to become more efficient, effective, and shall allow training for our inevitable rise to power. We embrace the National Military and seek knowledgeable military minds and fighters to join our cause. We value administrators who know how to operate the government to the people's most benefit and maintain good relations with our comrades abroad. We emphasize the need for economists to be in charge of our budget and economic policy. We must show eIreland that we are not only a serious Party, but one that is capable of leading the masses towards a worker's republik. I will explain the concept of the worker's republik in eRepublik terms in my next article.

Institute a New Party Ideology: Marxism-Banism

The revolutionary methods and thought I have formulated through years of this game has come to fruition something far more tangible and coherent than my previous attempt - Banism. The Marxist-Banist Manifesto will be released during my first term as Party Chairman. This will be the guiding ideology of our Party for years to come. In the Manifesto I will go into detail about the tenets and methodologies practiced by Marxist-Banists.

Raise Party Membership Significantly

I will undergo a massive recruitment drive to not only bring in new players to our great Party, but to our great nation as well. I will also be recruiting players who have shown they can best serve eIreland - regardless of personal ideology - I am looking for those who are willing to do what is best and necessary for eIreland. Not everyone in the Party has to be a Marxist-Banist, just need to follow Party discipline and understand its tenets.

I implore those who are inspired by my writing, like my ideas, or want to join the wave of revolution that will sweep eIreland off its feet and into the realm of national and international glory to join the Irish Revolutionary Force today and vote for me! This is but a start to the final Revolution that will set eIreland on course for the first nation to realize a higher stage of development - eSocialism. In my next article I will talk about the necessity of a new popular eIrish left-wing political party and why that Party should become the Party of the whole Republik of eIreland. Thank you for reading comrades!

- Party Candidate,
Mike Bane

"If you remove the English army tomorrow and hoist the green flag over Dublin Castle, unless you set about the organization of the Socialist Republic your efforts would be in vain. England would still rule you. She would rule you through her capitalists, through her landlords, through her financiers, through the whole array of commercial and individualist institutions she has planted in this country and watered with the tears of our mothers and the blood of our martyrs. "