A Poetic Story

Day 3,305, 08:54 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Ronald Kray

Hello you beautiful people!

I thought that today I would present you with something a little different from what I normally post, but fear not! For it is still a poem, but it also has a story to it, an overarching narrative if you will. It's not one of the best poems I have ever written, but I thought it would make a nice change and give you an opportunity to see what else I am capable of. If you like what you see, then let me know and I will write more like this for the page.

Now I know some people get more time off during the winter holidays, but unfortunately this is not the case for me, and I have more work then I usually do, which is why I regret to inform you that I cannot write two poetry articles a week like I have been doing, at least not until next year starts. I will make sure to get an article out every week still, whether that will still be on a Wednesday depends on how busy I am, but an article will come out each week, don't worry.

Now back to the poetic story: it tells the tale of a man who is coming back from a long journey to the love of his life, yet all is not what it seems, for a calamity has struck the homestead where his love lives. Will the traveller discover what fate has befell his love? Read on to find out more...

Behold The Fragile

It starts on a summer's day...

In the quaint, adequate hamlet
that I built my life upon.
This large, blooming meadow
holds many beauties and pleasantries,
but none greater than dear Elinor.

Both of our lives were planned
On a fragile foundation,
struggling to take form.
Our structures like old clay,
scarred and beaten by time,
stand strong together,
bonded with love and turmoil.

I bear the stress of the salesman,
travelling my wares to one and all.
Today I have journeyed back
to where my darling awaits.
I thought of her as I travelled,
giving me warm thoughts
to accompany a glorious day.
The golden sun slowing gently
across the horizon I chase home.

As I clamber the final meadow,
the clouds stir against the horizon,
enveloping the light I followed
in a cloud of billowing blackness.
The wind blows downwards,
as it beats against me
tiny flickers of ash.

I finally reach the meadow's peak
and I am met with a blazing light
from the newest horizon I see.

The light lay at meadow's bottom,
engulfing the landscape in flame,
where my beloved hamlet once stood.
I wandered the pyre of memories,
searching each burning carcass
for the dear face of Elinor.
I battled the fiery scene
to the edge of its purge,
where my home resides.

It was inside I saw my life
burnt and broken before me.
My dear Elinor lay there
mutilated and desecrated
by the sword and flame.
At this moment I faltered
down on to my heavy knees
and screamed skyward.
I shrieked for bloody vengeance,
to bare witness to the monster
who devoured my life
and burnt it to nothingness.

It is now I was gifted
with the demon I sought.
He sat hunched and morbid,
draped in dark robes.
He faced her scorched corpse
looking downward to his crime
as if in a sombre prayer.
So I call out to him,
to see the face of a man
who destroyed my love and life,
leaving me as a whisper
of my former self.

What I saw was pure horror,
a grotesque oddity at the least.
His hollow, deathly stare
wrought utter terror,
petrifying my broken soul.
For it was not the eyes of the beast
that I longed to meet,
but the beast inside of me.
The other figure, a trick,
A mere masquerade of my mind.

For I was the forsaken culprit,
the destroyer of my perfect world.
The reasons have been blurred
In the discord of my mind.
The fragility of our love
could not withstand me,
the demon within my being.

As I stood in the burning meadow,
I looked across the flames I birthed
and realise they pale in comparison
to the birth of the monster
that lay inside all along.

Today's musical feature was the song Goodbye by Lunaire

So with this foray into light storytelling, I hope you will let me know what you thought in the comments, as well as vote and subscribe if you like this article and my other pieces of poetry. I shall be back with more by next Wednesday (hopefully), catch you all later!