Day 498, 20:28 Published in Indonesia Poland by Ryan_5

The world is thrown into turmoil, as a secret assassination plot is uncovered. Details are still coming in, but an international conspiracy has been foiled. The plot included an attempt on the life of the POTUS, as well as other world leaders. Both PEACE and ATLANTIS leaders may have been targets. So far only mid-level conspirators and agents have been apprehended. FBI, CIA, and Military Intelligence are studying interrogation techniques. While officials deny plans to use torture, a watchdog group has cited a report that 24 dvd rentals are up 326%.

The government has listed a list of suspects still at large. If you see these people, they are considered armed and dangerous. Therefore officials ask that you try to apprehend the suspect, before the police arrive.

Alex Mircea
Vrajeala de Bih

Also, in possibly related news, intel has leaked that Romania and Indonesia has put aside their differences and joined forces. Unfortunately, the sources died bring this information. This agreement is apparently to divide the world into regions for domination.

Apparently the person who was able to broker the deal was a charismatic guru, spouting the teachings of a previously unknown religion. High officials in both nations are said to have joined this sect, which preaches a path to world domination. His identity seems to remain hidden.

The other nations that have joined Romania and Indonesia in this pact have not yet been identified. The Gjallarhorn has scheduled a meeting with a confidential informant for 1:00 server time at the old parking garage. hopefully this secret meeting will provide more information. The governments involved were not reached at this time, however it is suspected that they would have denied at first, but then admitted it when stared down.

UPDATE: My meeting with the informant went bad, he or she was dead when I got there. However new information is available. Uncle Sam was brought in for questioning, however sources close to him say he is being framed. Another angle being pursued is a connection between the Indo-Romanian alliance and the assassination plots. It has been confirmed that Indonesia sold Pakistan to the Romanians. The USA government has offered protection to Indonesian agent who took part in the take over. Further research in to the sect leading this alliance, has revealed they may be oxygenarians.

UPDATE 2; Uncle Sam was released, as evidence emerged he was framed. The assasination plots are apparently connected, and the USA government has felt is has enough evidence to issue arrest warrants for members of the Indonesian and Romanian governments. While the POTUS himself was not reached for comment, a source close to him indicated that he was willing to invade Romania and Indonesia, and every country in the way, to ensure justice. Also, extradition arrangements have been made for admin, said to be in Croatia. Also, the location of Plato is unknown, even though there has been many sightings