A personal (and Libertarian) view on the Bond program

Day 664, 23:59 Published in USA USA by ghinculov

OP/ ED - Today it was announced that our government is introducing a new bond program. The politicians say this is not because they are broke; I'll assume than that it's for the fun and the goodness of it. Moving on from the motivation, let's see to its finish.

A bond program works pretty easily: you give the government money and they'll pay you back, WITH INTEREST. (Let's forget that there'll be no contract signed and thus you'll rely on the goverment's good faith to receive some form of payment.) I'm interested mostly in the paying back and the interest part. We all know that the state doesn't produce anything, all its revenues are coming from taxes. So how will they earn the extra money needed to pay back the bond holders? If a, let's say, factory would issue bonds I'll assume that it will have a profit and, from this profit, my bond will be repayed. But the goverment?

To increase its revenues the goverment has a limited number of ways to increase its revenues:

1. The most civilised is to assume a population grows, which will increase the tax coverage. This, unfortunately, is very hard to envision because we're in a war and currently loosing states on a daily basis. Just think that, in Texas, we lost over 700 citizens (around 4.5% of our population). What if we'll lose New York? Anyway, this method of increasing government revenue is not to be currently counted on.

2. Another method is the increase in taxes. This would hit all Americans, mostly because the money thus gained will be used not to develop the infrastructure or in the war, but to pay out the debt and the interest.

3. The most devious method would be inflation. The goverment will just issue money. Worthless virtual paper. You'll find that, in a few days, your saving and your salary will be worth just a fraction. This, in my opinion, is worse that increased taxes because the capital and savings themselves are attacked, not just your revenues and the low prices of one ore more goods (depending on the methos of tax increase).

4. The last method would be the release of other bonds, which will postpone but multiply the problem.

Please take note that I encourage the citizens to use their savings in the war by purchasing weapons and even to donate money to the government. I just don't think the Bond program is a good idea.

(All that is said above is true in real life too.)