A note from Arthur Wellesley

Day 540, 10:19 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by UKRP Headquarters

"Ladies and Gentlemen of the UKRP,

Last month, we as a party experienced a bit of a ‘hiccup’. In the first contested election for Party President in a long while, after the venerated Funky44 stepped down, we found ourselves caught between myself, Stephan, and one Marcus Antonius Varius. I need not remind everyone of the ensuing drama. I have since served as your Acting Party President.

Under my guidance, I can say with confidence that the United Kingdom Reform Party has returned to a dominant position in eUK politics. We increased our margins in Parliament, returning a majority, and Sara Droz of the UKRP is currently the Prime Minister.

We have begun building a party structure to encourage new players as they enter the game, and to also make it clear to the public that we are not an inactive behemoth, but rather a political force to be reckoned with! This month, I ask you to recognize the progress that we have made and vote for Arthur Wellesley as your Party President. I am the only candidate listed for the UKRP that is a legitimate, party supported candidate. There are those among us, like Bob Boblo, that feel that it is amusing to attempt and foul up other people’s legitimate business. I encourage you to vote for proper candidates and discourage such meddling.

I am Arthur Wellesley of the United Kingdom Reform Party, and I seek your vote on 15 May.
Thank you"