A New World Order

Day 541, 13:42 Published in USA USA by Dmalicious

Before I move on to another edition of the eUSA FAQ's tomorrow, I'd like to address the new situation the eWorld now finds itself in. It is a dangerous scenario, fraught with uncertainty and doubt, and just like in the real world, this New World Order will sweep over the lands and change our world for a very, very long time.

What is this I speak of? It is PEACE using a game exploit to tear apart the Romanian Empire in less than a week. It is the grim fact that six new nations are already in the crosshairs of a PEACE PTO. And it is the fact that just an hour ago, the West Siberian Region, possibly the most important in the world, fell to Indonesia.

Sweden attacking Germany, Hungary pushing deep within Romania's Ukrainian territories, the rise of PEACE and the systematic weakening of ATLANTIS is happening before our very eyes and it is happening at a rapid and destructive pace. The recent infighting in ATLANTIS over tariffs has also been a point of concern, weakening the alliance when it should stand united against a common threat.

I fear that we may be at the precipice - that one false move may send us over the edge to self-destruction. As Romania loses its lands to PEACE, the eUSA is quickly finding itself in a less and less desirable position - an emerging superpower torn by infighting and facing an enemy so massive and united that we may have no option but surrender.

However, there is hope yet. If ATLANTIS can rally itself to unite and push back the PEACE hordes - if ATLANTIS can coordinate its moves so that we act as a single entity instead of a collection of states, we may just have a chance.

Some may call this fear mongering, but I call it the grim reality of our situation.

We all know that PEACE engages in PTO's of emerging countries to steal their treasury and align them with Indonesia, yet we do not do the same.

We all know that Indonesia and Hungary don't hold back, so why do we limit ourselves? Why do we screw around in wargames when real war is nigh? I am not criticizing the president and I applaud President Scrabman's recent offensive into Russia, but the question remains as to whether or not ATLANTIS can help either the USA or Romania stave off the coming tides of darkness that are to fall onto our lands unless we unite against them.

I want everyone to take a look at this image:


That is a map of the alliances of the world - ATLANTIS in dark blue, PEACE in light. Notice how ATLANTIS is outnumbered. In active population, nations, regions, resources, etc. If we continue to stick our heads in the sand and pretend that calamity is not on the way, we're begging for disaster.

ATLANTIS now has only one of two options: to unite and fight PEACE as a single entity and deny them the right to our lands or surrender ourselves to PEACE rule. The onus is ours.