A new world is borned..

Day 564, 23:48 Published in Hungary France by Eliakor

Dear ecitizens of the New World,

Today, the more important thing since day 1 happened : Chili attacked Cuyo!!
Seriously, the fact is that I decided to create my own newspapers!!! Great moment! But expensive moment!!

So it's my first (maybe the last..) article, and today I will speak about the last events in the New World!

As you probably know, there will be 3 new countries (or I think so) on June 12. South America will be a new important place with 7 countries. But big countries are already "fighting" for them : all South Americans countries are Peace one so Peace want to continue to be the boss in this region. But Spain, USA,... are trying to have them as new allies for their future alliance.

Their future alliance?

Yes! Atlantis is out of order! Congratulations Peace!
Since this wonderful battle in West Siberian Region and numerous other defeats (Russia, Hungary,...) Atlantis was dismantled!
After that, some countries are trying to have new alliance : Spain proposed an alliance to Italy, UK to France,...
So the question is here : What will happen if new alliance are signed? End of Peace?


As a member of Peace, I'm quite happy these days. But something happened during last Congress election that I didn't like at all!
Some Brazilians (supported by their government) and independants Indonesians did a TO in South Africa.
This country decided to fight to have his regions back, it's the more beautiful way to do it (Remember when Hungary fighted against Romania to have its regions back, it was a great moment and I appreciated to fight with them!).
But you need to know that South Africa will be back and they fight with a lot of help. Not only a help from Romania, but from all around the world, even Peace country because a lot of citizens aree very deceived by the behavior of Brazil and Indo.
So Peace have to be very careful! South Africa will be patient and very strong!


As you know/don't know/don't care (line the useless mentions) I'm a French citizens..
I think (yes, I can do it) that we will soon have problems in our country!
The fact is that our neighbours are very powerful and not very friendly (and fortunatelly not very clever..) : Spain, USA, Canada (hum... this is an exception and a mystery 😁, UK and soon Sweden instead of Germany. And they are very impatient and they want to conquer France..
But why? I know that it's the more beautiful country in the whole world, we have the best cheese and wine, our girls are just amazing, we have a very good sense of humor and a very bad football team... Maybe it's just for our high wood and our medium iron!

Africa and Middle-East

There is more and more countries in eRepublik and it will be a great thing to add Africans and Middle-East countries.
It's a big part of the world population and I think that there is a better Internet access in Le Caire or Dubai than in Pyongyang (and it's easier to write the name of the capital city...).

The end...

It will be a great thing if more than 5 people are still reading here, and I hope you have a good time in reading this article! I wanted to speak about a lot of things and I'm sure I forgot a lot of them, but it will be for the next time because I have a jogging to do!

Enjoy the game and the Roland-Garros final!!

PS : don't hesitate to vote or suscribe....

Long life to meerkats!