A new start , A new beginning

Day 1,551, 10:56 Published in India India by Ruldo

The Common Man's News is one which includes riddles , questions , jokes etc.Articles will later be posted after it gains popularity.

Thought For The Day:

An optimist finds an opportunity in every difficulty but a pessimist finds difficulties in every opportunity.


What is the number which when added or multiplied by gives the same result other than 2 and 0 ?
( For example , 2+2=4 and 2*2=4 )

If two men and three women work together to make a bridge in 10 days , find how many days would be needed to complete the bridge by one man ?

That is it for today.Sorry folks I couldn't give much content since this is my first article.

Also if any wants to submit any other articles please write into me.You can also work and get employed here.

Thank You,