A new PCP?

Day 388, 12:32 Published in United Kingdom Ireland by 1nterestingch4racter

First of all I’d like to take this opportunity to apologise to the PCP for any offense caused during the row over the coalition, even though I think some of the comments I received were hurtful.

Anyway, the party candidate Bremer has defected to the MDU after a recent election victory in which he didn’t have the full backing of his party. This has led to accusations that he was only using the PCP to gain power, which is something he is quick to dismiss. However this will lead to a new party candidate coming forward who will hopefully steer the party in a better direction.

In his article he mentions that Ip and Kokach are leaving to different countries at the end of the month and these are massive contributing members to the UK forums and probably the PCP party forums as well.

The point I’m trying to make is that as a lot of the older PCP members are leaving, it might create a power vacuum that will be filled with new PCP members. Judging by the forums the PCP continues to actively recruit and I’m sure the new members will contribute greatly to its policies.

Take for example mortalbeta, he has had a great idea and I’m sure will have many more and is willing to work with others. (Once he got passed the whole I-hate-the-UKRP nonsense) These new members will hopefully be pushing for a change in the PCP and to put across great ideas. You never know, you might produce a great candidate with great policies.

And finally, the recent war against France has brought all the parties together in the struggle to capture France, and this move was backed by the majority of all parties (including the PCP) I hope that this move of a nation united will help to foster links between parties and provide the e-UK with a great political future!
