A New Party for e-Czech Republik!

Day 454, 04:49 Published in Czech Republic Egypt by Franz Kafka

Fellow citizens,

Today I speak to you as President of a political party in eCzech Republic (currently named [url=http://http://www.erepublik.com/en/party/czech-party-for-change-98/1]Czech Party for Change[/url]). This achievement was not difficult. The political party has had an absent leader for two terms now and without active leadership could well have died...

I support our President Red Duck and the leaders of the two dominant parties of eCzech Republic (Ivan Hat - United Slavs; Radim - CRU) in their call for greater political and active participation by citizens in the eCzech Republic.

I intend this party to become a force to strengthen the quality of political dialogue in our Republic, but I do not wish to see us rise to lead or to become President: In these times of war close to our borders, our leadership must tread a careful path and be wary of what is said in the name of our country, lest it be used as a pretence for aggressive acts against us. However citizens need a voice in our media and in our Congress that does stand up for the oppressed, for the rights of self-determination for all our brothers and sisters under oppression across the eWorld.

I would therefore like to propose a simple three-point agenda for our new party:

* European Unity - Support the principle of an European Strategic Alliance if it: (i) is based on a membership only of nations who do not occupy the entirety of other nations and that they are at peace with all other ESA members; (ii) has a dispute mechanism that involves the expulsion of nations which declare war on other members of the ESA without the approval of a majority of ESA members; and (iii) is an alliance that does not side with either ATLANTIS and does not set itself up against either Alliance.

* Sovereignty for all - Support national self determination wherever and whenever it is demanded. This does not necessarily have to follow the borders IRL, but must be sanctioned by genuine agreements between the occupying nation and the people living under its occupation.

* National self-defence - We cannot trust the nations we neighbour. Political leaders of other countries come and go, agendas change and peace deals signed just one month ago can be trashed by incoming governments. Most nations do not enjoy the incredible period of political stability, unity and growth that we have seen over the last few presidential terms. We must therefore build our defences and build the strength of each and every citizens so that no country dare challenge our sovereignty or our principled neutrality. I would also support a covert programme to build an army of mercenaries that can cut their teeth fighting the battles of independence around the world.

Finally I would like to change our party name. My first suggestion is "Samostatnost!" - I think that means independence.

I am party president, but this is a pre-existing party with members who signed up to previous doctirines. I would therefore like to invate all Czech's to comment on my proposal and proposed name change.

I would welcome any volunteers to translate this message into Czech for me.

Thanks for reading.

Long live eCzech Republic!
Long live our President Red Duck!
Long live our Sovereignty and Power at the heart of Europe!