A New Partnership & Upcoming Elections

Day 309, 21:11 Published in Turkey USA by PrincessMedyPi
New Partnership
Beginning October 13th, 2008, PrincessMedyPi will be a regular guest on [a url=http://www.justin.tv/burakkocamis]eRepublik TV[/a], brought to you by D&B Media. So, start your brainstorming now! I want this new partnership to help foster better inter-party relations. Until then, feel free to contact me via PM or on MSN (princessmedypi).

Upcoming Elections
We at "A Timely Bitch" strongly urge all party presidents to only put up their most active members for congress. The last thing we want are hoards of inactive players trying to run the country after V1 releases. This is a critical election for the well-being of eTurkey.

I look forward to the future here in eTurkey. Until the next article, take care, and love thy neighbor 🙂