A new New World is to come (religious section)

Day 316, 05:24 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by Al-Khwarizmi

As every Pakistani must know, we are now in the interval of time in which, according to the prophecies written by Abdul Yusuf before his tragic death, the world will experiment a sudden change for the better:

"A new New World shall be born / In the first half of October / and those of you who are sober / shall not the previous one mourn".

We must now prepare for the arrival of this new New World, and thank Dio for creating it from the sand to give humanity a better place to live, which should be less boring and with more clickan possibilities, and in which our children will be in less danger because everything will have rounded corners.

We must, as always, praise the generosity of Dio, who is going to make this world available for everyone, even the pig-disgusting infidels. Dio's compassion and love for humanity is infinite. I hope that this new gift from Him leads grateful people all over the world to follow His path.

Apart from these religious insights, the Shenanigans Picayune reminds you that today is election day. Remember to vote for Stardust Crusaders, the party blessed by our holy God-Emperor Dio Brando. Remember that your vote counts. Every single vote gives our glorious nation points in the country rankings.

Not voting, or voting for anti-Pakistani parties such as the infamous CLF, is unpatriotic, and you won't be able to look your children in the face again if you do it.