A New Look For The Bugle

Day 818, 04:46 Published in Australia Australia by M0TT0M

The Bugle has gone under the knife and is now a completely different (probably for the worst) newspaper.

The eagle eye readers might have noticed by now, not only a new name, but a new picture.

Tell me what you think.

P.S I am deeply sorry for wasting oooh well, a good 10 seconds or so of you time, for this I am truly sorry. To make it up to you I can provide a couple of links worth your time and vote.
An Idea for eRepublik,
Forum Suggestion for link above

P.S.S Everyone who is not on eAusrep join now! It's awesome, if you are affraid of not being liked well pffft that can change, you might even get a couple of your thoughts across eAus and eRep quicker.

Here is a link for mibbit (Free and utterly AWESOME):

Now if you're new to mibbit or IRC in general, I'll tell you what you need to do.
1, Open Mibbit link
2, Search for "Rizon[webirc]" where it says IRC:
3, Enter your desired nickname (Best to use your eRep profile name, a underscore will be needed instead of a space) where it says Nick:
4, Enter "#ausrep" in the section labeled Channel:
5, Once on feel free to say hello and introduce yourself (The people here are the active ones on eRep and can help you if you have problems)