A new leader for the CEP

Day 441, 10:38 Published in Canada Canada by John Wilkmot

Well I must say folks that I am a little surprised by this, last night I was suddenly asked a question to take the reigns of the CEP and how could I refuse? With sudden CEP leadership thrust into my hands I am surprised yet grateful. I made no secret of my intent to get back into politics itself recently, I did not expect it so suddenly though.

That being said I would like to address a few things about the CEP. I will not change the CEP itself or it’s ideologies as I joined this party because that is what I believe in. I am a different politician then the previous leader of the CEP, preferring to focus on issues. I will not make radical changes to the CEP as its ideologies is what I believe in.

As for myself, I have accomplished many things in erepublik. I started off alone in erepublik and have even been the president of a country before. So it is fair to say I have experienced all the aspects of erepublik, I have been so many positions It would be hard to name them all. But most recently I have been like Bruck, not caring about the political squabbles and more for getting the job done. I have lead people before and I trust Bruck to lead this nation.

CEP will focus on it’s military while I lead and we will strive to become a world power. Over the last few days we have gained 950 citizens and are 6th in citizen count, We can do it Canada! Elect CEP if you want to see Canada become a world power with an actual say In world politics!