A New Hope

Day 5,590, 10:54 Published in USA USA by logan Dunleavy

This morning I woke up, again.

It's been several days now of fumbling around this game like the dusty ol' corpse that I am. But I've been encountering many other dusty old piles of bones as well. Some familiar and friendly old faces still remain - and I'm reminded of what made this game fun for me all of those years ago, the community. Those who are still left have been friendly, kind, and welcoming to an old man like me.

The smaller community makes for more opportunity for engaged and active players. Whereas in the past, one could easily get lost under a mountain of hundreds who wanted to run for Congress or become titans of industry, now the few who remain are all just as important. This is truly an "all hands on deck" situation.

We are fortunate now to have a President who is sincere in his wish to increase player activity and engagement, who wants to bring more new players into the fold and perhaps bring back some old bones like myself.

It's been interesting to speak with those who have stuck it through this whole time, people I once served in Congress with, passed by on the IRC chats, or fought side by side with in the Battle for Florida when this eCountry was nearly wiped off the map.

Today (IRL)I celebrate my birthday, 10 years after I stopped playing this game and here I am, publishing an article in a game I thought I would never log back into again, waiting for friends to arrive for a party.

There is hope - and I encourage others to come back and give it a shot.
