A New Era

Day 1,559, 04:44 Published in United Kingdom Brazil by MaximusV

The end of the TUP reign is near the Brittish Peoples Party has arrived.

Our corrupt goverment has dug a hole that we will fill TUP dissbanded the national millitary TUP lost the country TUP stole our money and yet they still monopolise the elections but no longer.

The BPP will rise and end the rule of TUP they will ruin our once great nation no longer.

Party Goal's
End the corrupt goverment of TUP
Re-form the Natonal Military
To begin an orgaised Resisitance to the invasion
Begin to Re-take the country and hold it (may take some time)
To begin a new era of prosparity for the United Kingdom.......

These are just a few of the things we want to do thet are all possible but only with the support of the nation. We will do our best to end the corruption of our leaders but we need you to do it

End the TUP rule now join the BPP