A New Era for the Sons of Liberty

Day 1,945, 18:29 Published in USA USA by Mungo Monroe

Thank you all for your votes!

I, Mungo Monroe, have been voted into the position of Party President for the Sons of Liberty. I have set several goals I want to get accomplished in this month.

1. Growth

Growth is by far our top priority. We have four people. That isn't enough to carry any influence. If we want to grow, every man must dedicate his time to the recruiting effort. Today, I'm establishing the Recruitment Counter, the minimum number of members in the party we should have by the end of my term.

For this term, the Recruitment Counter is: 10.

It's just ten people. It shouldn't be too hard if we put our minds to it.

2. Platform

What does this party stand for? Do any of you really know? We have a vague idea, but we don't have it certain. That's another top goal for my term here. We need to nail down a platform to show others why they should join.

3. Offsite Forum

Like other big parties, we need an offsite forum. I believe this would nurture a community among the Sons of Liberty, uniting us. Not only that, it offers a private area to discuss important matters. Unfortunately, I'm not particularly tech-savvy, so I'd require someone else to make it.

Those are my ideas. If you have any suggestions, write them in the comments section below or tell me personally. If you want a position in the party, contact me and I'll see if you're properly qualified.

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