A new eEurope is born..

Day 566, 13:13 Published in Hungary France by Eliakor

Dear ecitizens of the new World.

Thanks to all voters of my next article. It was a big success : 75 votes... More than I hoped in my best dreams!

For my second article, I will speak about the recent change in eEurope (don’t worry (be happy...) nothing about the election IRL!).

eUkraine, eMoldavia : What are you doing?

During last days (maybe weeks), I saw that it happened a lot of things in this region : Moldavia is in war with Romania and with Ukraine and there were a lot of RW in Romania and in Hungary.
But why?
It’s just a long story of Tos...
Hungary gave some regions to Ukraine (thanks to RW) to avoid a Romanian TO. And Moldavia declared war to Romania who gave some regions to avoid a Hungarian TO in Moldavia. And (maybe) Romania wanted to have no borders with Hungary.
(I guess it’s quite difficult to understand what I’m saying...)
Finally what happened... Moldavia and Ukraine was TOd by ... Hungary (I think...)!
And noww a new wargame for Peace countries has startes in the New World between Moldavia and Ukraine. It’s what I’m calling “manipulation”!

Difficulties in eRomania

Since the big defeat in West Siberian Region, eRomania lost a lot of regions. The main reason is that they stopped fighting and Hungary had the very good idea (fair-play?) to take control of some imprtant regions (Urals region, Podolia,...) and now, Romania has a lot of difficulties to have these regions back.
Even if they managed to have back Podolia, they gave it to Ukraine (a Peace member..) when Hungary attacked this region.
Of course, I don’t understand what is really happening... I have 2 ideas : Romania wanted to have no borders with Hungary (so no more defeats!) or they didn’t want that Hungary has 2 high iron region. If you have a better solution, don’t hesitate to post a comment!!

War in eLatvia

The Baltic countries are knowing their first real war!
Indeed, Finland declared war to Latvia, or will do it very soon.
Fortunatelly for Latvia, They will be helped by their neighbour of Estonia who have 2 Q5 hospitals (More than in France!!) and numerous Peace soldiers will fight with them.
But why Finland attacked Latvia?
I saw that it’s just for fun (what an idea!) but they also want to take control of the high grain region of Zemgale.
So, all Peace soldiers (or a big part!) can go in Estonia (Q5 hospitals in Louna-Eesti and Pohja-Eesti) to help our allies.

Byebye Germany..

I don’t know how I can interpret the lost of Germany...
On the one hand, It’s not a good thing because it was a not-dangerous neighbour for France.
But on the other hand, I remember that we helped Germany (not me because I was not borned!) and recently Austria asked to avoid TO in conquering Austrians regions. But once they did it, Germany decided to leave Peace and to join Atlantis. What a shame! ¨Peace GC had to do a lot of RW to save Austria and Italia conquered its region to help them.
So it’s a good lesson for Germans people and congratulations to shoot who managed to live during 5 months in Germany and to do a TO last week!
The country is now for Sweden and Poland (and Austria who won a RW yesterday!), but it’s unfriendly and very dangerous countries for my Beloved eFrance..

France endangered?

Thanks to the big defeat of Germany, France has two new neighbours : Sweden and Poland.
It makes a lot of ennemies for France today : USA, UK, Spain, Canada, Sweden and Poland...
I think that we can prepare to a big war in the next days!
Do you remember French Toast? The war we now are calling eWorld War 2.. There will soon be a French Toast 2 (maybe they will change the name..) and it will be a great moment in eRepublik history!!
But these countries have to know that 3000 French soldiers are waiting for them and that they will never give up! They will fight until death! Spain will never have Aquitaine! USA will never have Lower-Normandy! Poland will never have Alsace! Sweden will never have Rhone-Alps! We will fight for a FREE FRANCE!

Is Atlantis really dead?

I will finish for today with this topic.
Atlantis announced few weeks ago its end. But today we can see that ex-Atlantis countries are still in touch and they always want to fight against Peace.
Maybe they just speak about this end to make Peace too confident. They will be back and it will be a very difficult moment for Peace!

The end..

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Long life to meerkats!!