A New Day for the CSD

Day 362, 00:04 Published in Canada Canada by Zanalan

Greetings Canadian Social Democrat Members

I wanted to take a moment and thank everyone for your support in the election for Party President. For those of you who have missed the results, the final tally was:


16 votes
Dominik----11 votes
7 votes

I accept this vote of support, and I pledge to work to build the CSD both internally and externally. As a first step in this building process, I would like to introduce Dominik as the new party Vice-President. I have been working on a number of issues with Dominik over the past month, and I believe he has the ability and desire to help move us forward.

I would also like to thank BHD for running a strong campaign. His showing in this election is proof that the CSD has committed individuals who are willing to take a stand. I look forward to the possibility of including BHD in future decision making.

Finally, I would like to thank Zblewski for his work as President. He stepped in to the role following Cottus Arci. They were big shoes to fill, and Zblewski was equal to the challenge! I look forward to drawing on his knowledge and experience.

Once the Party newspaper is handed over I will be releasing a number of articles outlining some of our new initiatives.

For Uraczak, Tom Hagen, Eric Boucher, Anodos, Angus Rourke, Tantis, and Malone, congratulations on your victories. The CSD looks forward to working with each of you to keep Canada the best country in the world!

Canadian Social Democrats