A New Dawn

Day 695, 23:00 Published in Australia Australia by Spazicus

Hello fellow eAustralian,

I am writing this article to express my feelings to the rest of eAustralia. This isn't an article urging eAustralia to take up arms against eIndo. This isn't an article written to smear or insult our government. It is an article written to open minds.

eAustralia isn't going so well. We have an 'active' population of say 500 people, many of whom are just two clickers. Our economy is barely average, most products can be found cheaper on the international market. Our military know how to tank well, but it seems that's all we know. We have the dropbears and ACUK who might as well be SAS. They are bloody tough but there simply aren’t enough of them, we can send our elites to fight when we have to, but they can’t win a war for us.

eAustralia needs to wake up, we need to have a hot shower, a cup of coffee and finally leave our safe little houses to explore the rest of the world. Our import and income taxes are too high to encourage growth. Our country is growing in population but not in active population. People join and then leave again. Our country is stagnant. We have nothing happening that is of interest to new players. New players can't afford weapons, they can't afford moving tickets and they only get to fight in one training war every couple of days, the majority of the time with no weapons in hand.

I suppose the point that I'm trying to boil down to is that eAustralia really isn't that much fun. We aren't mixing it up with the rest of the eworld. We stick to ourselves and have become extremely dormant. Watching eAustralia grow is like watching paint dry. I'm not saying we need to push for WA (mainly because our economy is pretty shit and adding another state isn't going to help us too much there), but what I am saying is that we should really consider our options in the rest of the world.

The general consensus seems to be that PEACE is evil. They are the bad guys who are agressively trying to take over the world. Personally I’d be happy joining up with them simply because it would be really fun to be the aggressor. But otherwise we could consider joining EDEN, the 'good guys'. People are worried about EDEN simply using us for access to eIndo. I personally have no problems with this. I'd love to join up with EDEN and then surprise, rear door attack in eIndo homeland.

I guess what it really comes down to is just how long we want to wait as a country. Do we stay neutral for another 6 months? Another year? Our growth rate is negligable compared to other countries and in all honesty I say we have bucklies chance of catching up to them in population, military strength or brute economic power. What exactly are we waiting for eAustralia? When will we finally take sides and when will we finally become the enation we were meant to be? By the time we have 20,000 citizens; the countries with 20k citizens now will have 50 or 60k. The only way we can hope to grow as an enation is to choose sides, get out there and fight. Take some beatings, hopefully give some beatings too. Whichever way we go, eAustralians are becoming fed up with waiting, we want excitement and war is really the best kind to be had. Let’s grow a pair as a country and get our hands dirty for once.

Let us not forget this is a politics game after all. Isn't it about time the eAustralia started getting involved in the international side of politics? As opposed to the same group of people getting re-elected in our country every 15 days, how about we put some effort into gaining international political clout?

How long do we wait eAustralia?
