A new dawn: Independent Voices

Day 623, 19:12 Published in Ireland Ireland by Digits 05637716

It is with great pleasure, particularly at this watershed moment in eIrish politics, that I would like to announce the arrival of a new party into the melting pot:

Independent Voices

In the coming days, you will be hearing more and more about this movement. It is an independent party, for independent people. It will recognise the value of the individual, the value of the voice, and the value of co-operation.

But for now, as an independent person, I would like to speak personally. I announce my e-life-long intention to remain independent.

My time away from politics has helped me gain perspective. Watching from the outside in has been particularly enlghtening. One comment from a particular politician about people in one party being "superior" to another was probably the foundation of this idea. No matter what badge you or I wear, let us never lose sight of our ultimate badge, the one we wear unseen.

Our loyalty is to Ireland.

I personally cannot and will not let the game of politics hinder our nation's progress in any form. Our greatest strength lies not in our badge, but in our dedication to the cause. I don't believe that one party is better than another. The greatest solution to party politics in Ireland would be to build every party up, not tear each other down. A set of strong parties, with active, educated and dedicated citizens is what I will spend my time here striving for. I do not care who wins elections, what title you have or what your political affiliation is. I care about my country. So here is one thing I am going to do about it:

I, Digits, hereby offer my services to every political party in Ireland.

You may believe different things about different policies and different people, but you and I hold the same loyalty to the same goal. Let us achieve it together. The nature of parties is often to get elected and win elections. I am not concerned with such things. I have never been elected anywhere, and I probably never will be! I am interested in helping parties structures, organisations, communications, helping people understand game mechanics, discussing endless possibilities for the betterment of our country. I am trustworthy, honest and open-minded. I hope I find you in the same frame of mind. It also never hurts to hear an objective mind, for sometimes we forget that we don't live in a bubble. Let's build each other up, not tear each other down.

Citizens of the Irish Socialist Republican Party,
Citizens of the Irish Union Party,
Citizens of Ireland First,
Citizens of the Irish Freedom Party,
Citizens of the Irish Radical Party,
Citizens of Saoire,

I offer you my help, my time, and my meagre abilities. I have much to offer you all, great or small, and in any form you may wish. Do you have any need for me?

Come Senators and Congressmen,
Please heed the call,
Don't stand up the doorway,
Don't block up this hall,
For he that get's hurt,
Will be he that has stalled,
There is a battle outside raging,
It will soon shake your windows,
And rattle your walls,
For the times, they are a-changing...

P.S. Some of you may have noticed my name on the Presidential Candidates list. This is a statistics-gathering exercise to see how many people will vote for someone for no reason. It will give us some insight into the votes that "two-clickers" hold. Either that, or some people really don't like who's running! I don't intend to win. I am not even going to vote for myself.