A new chapter

Day 2,188, 15:44 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Ryan I

Good evening, I am sure you are aware that the eUK's most versatile and powerful MU The Legion has been formally dissolved. All members will gather their bags and find new homes on the 25th. Even though I wasn't a long term member or have any real connection with the MU, it is still a shock because they were the best MU the eUK ever had. Though I hope not the last. This does rise many concerns for the eUK as they packed a huge punch for our military operations.

Looking at the different MU's, it will be a big challenge to plug the gap left behind. But the thing that has got me thinking the most is what will rise from the rubble? And what will happen to our Empire? Imagine Britain in WW2 without the RAF. Imagine the Romans without an army at the height of their glory. Yes you get the idea, we would collapse and become, yet again, a shattered nation of split counties.

I have heard that the Government are trying to find a solution to this problem but I doubt that they'll have something ready in time to fill the void. The Legion truly was one of a Kind. I wonder if a reformed new MU could take its place in which all of the old members can return or simply fill its ranks like any normal MU. What is vital though is that it has the same foundations and systems that The Legion had. The fact its cost the UK was nothing was a huge factor for its success.

We must find another substitute in order to maintain our nation and overseas holdings. We cannot slip into a black hole where we shrivel up and die as a fractured nation.

Rule Britannia!