A New Chapter

Day 1,707, 23:01 Published in South Africa South Africa by Dr. James McCrimmon

Hey Guys!
My name is Nicholas Boyce, (no surprise there, eh?) and I’ve recently moved to South Africa.
I moved here because I hear it’s awesome, full of great people, and most of all, I wanted a new experience xD

I’ve played many, many, many online games before, however my favourite so far is eRepuglik. Not because of the “cool” features but the awesome people, and the metagame is pretty sweet too.

As soon as I made it clear to the people on IRC that I was emigrating to eSA, I was immediately contacted by two separate groups of people, or rather, two parties.

Back in Canada, my party was EPIC, which is an Independent party, runs independent candidates and stands together. The only problems with the party were, it was elitist, and too big for its own good.

Elitist because you couldn’t hear what the little people were saying. You couldn’t feel what the other players were feeling, you couldn’t run for congress or PP or do anything in the party, without being in the party for awhile. Sure there were a few congress slots open to new players looking to get into the game, the best months we had as a party was when players were judged on merit and potential versus how many fossils come out when s/he takes a numero deux.

Too big, meaning it held a political stranglehold on the country. Players that were used as blockers still got into congress, the CP was EPIC, every month, despite the fact that they were progressively worse (except for the last one, he was pretty good) There was no competition for the party to hone its skills, or test its members. When competition did come, it came too fast, and was too dirty. The party was pto’ed and now the country is in other players hands.

Hands that deny players what is rightfully theirs, but that is another song entirely, and not one for me to sing any longer.

When I came here, I looked at the two parties that contacted me. IA and UP. When I asked what they stood for, IA told me everything I had come to love in EPIC. UP told me they weren’t elitist like IA was. That was UP’s biggest go-to point, they weren’t elitist like IA. So I thought to myself, to hell with it. I’m going to join IA, and prove they aren’t elitist. So I did, and now I’m running for congress on the 25th. (plus IA isn’t too big for its own good, because UP is there 😉

My platform is simple:

I will not lie, will not be bribed, and if someone asks me what the hell is going on, I tell them exactly what is going on. I will fight for what is right, I won’t leave a friend in need, and if someone asks me to fight for their just cause, I will.
I am a three-time congressman, former auditor, and former CAF Captain.

Ego Sum Medicus

Also, because PPdany asked me to, I am including this picture