A New Chapter

Day 1,480, 09:59 Published in USA USA by Stephen Goldsmith
Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, Children of All Ages, I would like to take a moment of your time to make an announcement. Over the past four months, I have had the privilege of being the General and Commanding Officer of the eUSAF Army.

This has truly been an unforgettable adventure. I have learned a lot of valuable lessons being in this position. I have had the opportunity to work with many great soldiers, officers, and country leaders.

The exceptional work that is performed day in and day out by members of the NSC and the Senior Leadership of our country is amazing to watch, and inspiring to see play out.

I would like to thank those of you who gave me this opportunity to serve our country, and demonstrate my abilities to lead a powerful fighting unit with integrity and honor.

I would like to now officially announce my retirement as General and Commanding Officer of Army.

It is with great pleasure that I would like to announce that I have appointed Hekter as General and Commanding Officer of Army. Hekter's involvement in Army in the short amount of time he has been with us is simply amazing. Hekter will lead the Army and take them to places they have never been before. I look forward to the future growth of the Army and its leadership.

He will make Sr Officer changes as he sees fit.

I will remain in Army as a Senior Officer working closely with the new CO/XO team, and will also remain as Bot King and Technology Wizard of the eUSAF Army.

In closing, I would like to share a few things that I was able to accomplish while acting as General of Army.

- Created Elite Division of Army Delta Force. Has grown to 47 members.
- Created New Roster, Soldier Portal, and RosterBOT
- Streamlined battle orders and soldier supply requests
- Developed IRC Platoon Wars Game
- Developed IRC Battle Monitor Script
- Organized and Restructure Army's Divisions, Rankings, and Officers
- Acted as member of the National Security Council
- Implemented Weekly and Monthly Soldier Award and Medal System

I would like to thank all current and prior officers that I had the chance to work with. Without the support system of strong and faithful officers, Army would not exist.

Thank you to all, soldiers, officers and oldfags that I have worked with over these last several months. I have had a lot of fun.

I'm not going anywhere. In fact, hopefully you will be seeing a lot more of me. There are lots of things to explore, however, its time to kick back and enjoy retirement for a bit.

Thanks Again,

Stephen Goldsmith
Former General and Commanding Officer
eUSAF | Army