A Must Read for Party Leaders

Day 910, 18:04 Published in USA USA by Benedict James

I will soon make a proposal in Congress. I'm not sure if it will receive approval or not. And so I need your help in demonstrating that this program can work.

What do I have in mind?

I want Congress to approve a measure which would reward parties with gold (20g?) every two weeks or so for demonstrated high retention. Essentially, the program is based upon my existing spreadsheet that measures "party strength" and will focus on measuring recruitment.

By now, many people are at least familiar with my work on party strength. If you are not, I strongly encourage you to go back through my newspaper and read some of the stuff.

To accurately measure "recruitment," however, I want to add a new factor into my formula: party activity. For, it is undeniable that a party has done better recruiting which has recruited more members to be active rather than the party which is merely sponging up the riff-raff like trinkets to place on the nightstand.

This is where you come in.

Given a minimum return of 500 respondents, I will reward the party whose members fill out the form most with 10g. (That's all the gold I have right now.) I will factor in the level of the respondent to some extent but I allow myself some freedom to work with the numbers I receive to make the form generally applicable when it is distributed in the future.

[url] http://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?formkey=dFRFMDFqamdRdnhjcTNMQ2I1b3Y3VkE6MQ [/url]

The deadline is reset at the end of Day 913. Any responses after this deadline will be automatically discarded. Have at it!

P.S. Please let me know if the link doesn't work ASAP.