A Milestone!

Day 502, 18:25 Published in USA USA by Larabic

Welcome to the first issue of The Guardian Gazetteer! TGG, for short. I plan on using this as my own personal soap box to talk about what ever is on my mind, but also would like to use it as a forum to get a dialouge of ideas flowing and answering questions when asked so feel free to write me and i can answer in this paper or in a private message.

I am young eAge wise but am ready to go, I want to learn and grow as much as i can and help what ever ways i can. I belong to a group called the Guardians, we have many ideas on what we think is the proper course of action but we act as one for the betterment of what ever cause we believe in. Each Guardian has his own personal beliefs, and yes we do clash but always come together to do what is right when the chips are down... in short, you can count on a Guardian.

I myself like to think of myself as a free thinker and don't like getting bogged down with labels, my political beliefs are my own and don't conform to any parties beliefs perfectly. I joined the United Independents party reccently, they struck me as the only group that i would really fit with, they encourage people to be themselves and follow their beliefs and instincts no matter where that may lead. They don't force people to conform but instead give you a platform to express your ideas and reach a bigger audience of open minds. If you are finding yourself thinking that you don't really fit into any of the other parties or that they all look the same I would suggest checking out the United Independents party.

Thanks for reading the First issue of TGG,
