A message to Ireland: It's time to stop whining and to start working

Day 846, 17:26 Published in Ireland Ireland by Gleb Bread
Dear Ireland,

As most you know, I am the Chief of Staff and Co-Minister of Defense of Ireland as of right now. At the begging of Dubh's term this month, It began as me being Co-Minister of Defense with Donovan Thomas, a great Irish citizen. Me and him worked together, having conversations quite often to help progress Ireland. However, much drama came up in Ireland and over the course of a couple days many positions changed, and while Dubh's was meant to change it did not. However, Donovan Thomas's did. He had resigned as Co-Minister of Defense. This left me alone as the Minister of Defense and Chief of Staff. I knew that I was not capable of solo owning these two major parts, so Dubh accordingly appointed a new Co-MoD, and to say that I did not have a part in the decision would be a lie. The newly appointed Minister of Defense was John Jay, one of Irelands top citizens.

When I got home from work today, I was just ecstatic to find multiple Commanding Officers resigning from the Irish Defense Forces, delaying our deployment. Whilst they did not resign, it is very clear that they are only resigning because John Jay is the new Co-MoD. They are resigning by the hour, due to an unprecedented hate that has nothing to do with how the person does their job, rather previous experiences which these people can not seem to get over. Now, over the short time that John Jay has been my Co-Minister of Defense, I can not say that he has put forward any less effort, shown any less commitment, or done any less work that Donovan Thomas did during the time that he was the Co-Minister of Defense. Yet people were whining when he was leaving, and whining when JJ was starting, all due to the name associated with them.

I am writing you this article to ask you this Ireland. How will you ever be prepared to move on if you only want people due to their name, and not the work associated with them? As V2 gets closer, are you just going to appoint people who haven't necessarily done anything negative to Ireland, say a shout that was intended as a joke. Hell, I bought tried to buy votes when I ran for congress in USA, IMPEACH ME! Why not? I did something stupid a few months ago. Isn't this what you've been doing to Ireland for as long as I can remember? If you want to progress forward you can not repress the great minds, but give everyone an opportunity to do their job. Who knows, Donovan Thomas could be the greatest Minister of Finance we have ever seen, and he fought against us by accident in the RW, lets not give him anything though due to a small event that has happened. Niall H & Uaithne left Ireland after they weren't elected, however if elected, if they re-run, they could be some of the best presidents that Ireland will ever see, however people wont elect them due to them leaving to another country.

I simply leave you with the question: Ireland, how do you expect to progress forward if you are living in the past?
