A Message to Bulgarian Naysayers

Day 1,512, 19:09 Published in Turkey Turkey by kloraq
Dear Bulgarians,

I've decided to write this article since I do not think that your people with sense and maturity do not raise their voice as they should, except the one and only Boyan.

I do not know the reason behind this, it may be because they feel scared that you'll call them "Janicars" or "Turk lovers" or "xxxoglu" and that they'll lose the respect of your community. It's pretty childish though imo. Maybe that's what effected the votes of your "so-called referandum" as well. Since the only referandum I recognize is this one and it seems pretty good.

Anyways, let's get to the topic. What I'd like to remind you is that, you are being fooled by your teenage spirited, ATAKA-youth-section-member, ultranationalist shot-callers.

What do they tell you ? They tell you that if you vote "NO" in your referandum, that no other EDEN country will sign MPP with Turkey. Well that's pretty much BS. All EDEN and TERRA countries will keep their MPPs with Turkey, no matter what your decision is. You don't believe me ? Go and ask them.

What else do they tell you ? They tell you that you are caged right now and your only enemy is Serbia, and you are too weak for them. Well that is another lie as well. Do you know how much Turks like Serbs ? Do not worry, with our help they'll vanish from the map like a poop when you flush the toilet.

Hmm, what more do they tell you ? They tell you that Ukraine wants its regions back, and you'll have problems with bonuses. So if you vote NO to Turkey, you'll be able to NE Turkey and invade them and get the bonuses from there. Well, the possibility of that is below %0, unless you leave EDEN and join the brotherhood with Fyromians, which will be really funny. (According to EDEN charter, any member is forbidden to act hostile against a member, or an affiliated-non member, unless the act is unanimously agreed by all member countries)

So, my dear friends... Now you know the lies that you've been told. Now you know that voting against Turkey's membership, is only lowering the prestige of Bulgaria inside EDEN, and therefore making it look like a drama queen which is consisted by fascists and RL-motivated immature teens.

Now you know that voting against Turkey only benefits the ONE-trolls, especially Servians and Fyromians which are incredibly butthurt right now, and their only hope is tricking you. (they will prolly comment under this article as well, thank God they lack intellect xD )

Now with all these information, I expect you all to act rationally, leave RL aside (hell, even Greece and Israel did), do not pay attention to trolls in both sides, tell me when you need help and we'll be there like we always are for our allies.

And never forget that this is just a game.

Caps of the day
