A message to all CNC members: Vote 20person for CNC Party President

Day 783, 19:34 Published in Canada Canada by 20person

As you can tell by the title, I am running to become president of the CNC. I have been a CNC member since the beginning and have gathered valuable political experience along the way, and feel that I am qualified to lead this party. I will be focusing on recruiting active players, reach out to smaller parties, starting a party company, and improve our strategic voting force to help get more of our members into congress.

If you take a look at party rankings, you will see that our numbers have dwindled considerably. Once we had over 210 members, but now that number hovers around 190. My goal is to raise our membership by running a recruitment drive. We must make sure these members stick around and get active, so we should welcome them onto our forums and guide them through their political eLife.
Perhaps someday they will get into congress.

We have a number of small parties here in Canada such as The Adult Party and the Union Nationale. Just because they're small, doesn't mean they're unimportant. My plan is to welcome them onto our forums and send ambassadors to their forums, if they have one. Someday, we will all work together.

Nowadays, many parties have started up their own companies. Personally, I think this is a great idea. It could help increase the number of active players in our party. I would like to start up a party company at the party org. Either myself or an appointed party official would manage this company. Best of all, if we had a moving ticket company, we could use our own moving tickets to use for our strategic voting force, which brings me to my next topic.

If you have ran for congress in the CNC and failed to be elected, you can see that our voting force is laughably inadequete. I would like to change that. If elected, I will supervise the improvement to our strategic voting force. It will be run by either myself or a party official. On election day, it will be updated regularly to see who is secured, who has no chance, and who needs votes. That way, our number of congress members is maximized and wasted votes are minimized. I would like to have at least double the number of congressmen we currently have next month.

Some other issues I will deal with
Possibly add a CNC section on the eCanada forums, while maintaining our current forums.

Resolve ties in presidential nomination votes by having the High Council choose a candidate, or if a decision is needed quickly, the party president will choose a candidate regardless of whether or not they already voted.

Important links
Party forums: http://cnc-partyforum.forumotion.com/forum.htm
Party org: http://www.erepublik.com/en/organization/2027136
eCanada forums: http://ecanada.ws/forums/index.php

Deputy Health Minister
Congressman for Newfoundland and Labrador
CNC High Council member
CNC Deputy General Secretary

On the 15th, please vote 20person as party president of the CNC. A vote for me is a vote for a better CNC!

Party President Candidate.