A Message From Your New Minister of Defense

Day 567, 07:00 Published in Ireland Australia by Severin Organization

First off much thanks to Nithraldur for putting his trust in me and appointing me Minister of Defense. My appointment has been criticized because of my lack of 'military experience' and previous IDF involvement. I assure you all I have experience clicking the fight button during battles , donating items to citizens and organizing lists. If anybody wants a reference for my organizational skills simply ask any active member of the Irish Union Party. That said, I plan to do a lot more for and with the IDF. I can assure you I know exactly what this job entails and I plan to completely dedicate myself to it. All I ask for now is that people give me a chance and judge me by my performance. So far 5 COs have given me their support and only one expressed a concern directly to me (I am still awaiting some replies). It is no secret I have other roles in eRepublik however the defense of this country will always be my top priority.

Some COs have already contacted me stating they were neglected at times during war games and our previous foreign mission. I plan to make some improvements to the IDF (nothing radical as there is nothing fundamentally wrong with the current setup). I want to encourage more social interaction between COs and their divisions; I want to reorganize the lists a little so that the divisions are more equal in size and those available to depart will be in the right place; I want to get more people involved in the IDF; I want to get active people out of the reserves and into divisions, I want to make sure that every soldier gets their supplies on time and I want to involve us in more foreign missions. I have already seen suggested innovations on the forum and have taken them in account. However, I feel before we radically change anything we need to get what we have now working well. In order to make the IDF a more effective and organized force I will need absolute cooperation and thus I present this 'social contract':

From You: I expect absolute loyalty and fidelity from all soldiers in the Irish Defense Forces. Anybody who conspires against the organization or its members will be swiftly removed. I expect all COs to be completely active and on eRepublik at least once a day (to perform their duties and reply to mail). If they are on holiday or such I expect them to notify me (or my Deputy) immediately. I want people to have fun (it is a game afterall) however will not tolerate any behavior deemed to be inappropriate or insulting to other soldiers.

From Me: In return I promise my complete time and dedication in making this an effective and organized force. I promise to work with other Ministries and the War Council in seeking a country in need of our assistance. I will ensure that absolutely no division is left behind and communication between myself and COs is frequent and ongoing. If any difficulties arise I promise to do everything I can to come about a solution as fast as possible. I will not be a nice Minister of Defense and will hound people for progress. The Irish Defense Forces needs strong leadership and that is exactly what you will get from me.

You need not sign this because it isn't by any means a legally binding contract. I just want to give people an idea of what I expect from soldiers and what soldiers can expect from me. Of course I won't be working alone and this would be a good time to introduce my Deputy gordongekko and Junior Minister Eoin O Sullivan. They will assist me with the role and I will be showing Eoin the ropes. Of course we are all in this together and it is vital that everybody plays their part in the interest of our defense and the defense of freedom loving countries across the world.

In the past the Irish Defense Forces has suffered from inactive and passive MoDs. This month won't be the case this month and together I am certain we can make this work well. I will publish an 'inspiring' recruitment article soon and will publish a list of all division and COs once I get a grip on what might be a technical glitch and more replies. For now keep your boots polished and uniforms ship shape and bristol fashion.

Anybody who wants to sign up to the IDF go here and if anybody in the reserves wants to move into a division, please pm me.

Neart le Chéile!
Severin, your lovable Minister of Defense