A Message From The Gold Party President - The SAGP isn't just another Party

Day 670, 08:57 Published in South Africa South Africa by SAGP Communications Department
Enoch Root, Gold Party President here -

I've been taking a look at other Parties and wanted to lay down some things for everyone on how the Gold Party is different.

Our classification is Center-Right, Libertarian. That doesn't really tell you anything though. The Gold Party is a Capitalist Party. Through having strong businesses, well-paid workers, and keeping money in your pocket, we can make eSA stronger.

Politics and Helping the People -

We need strong leaders, people who make make decisions. A strong President is a President that we can stand behind, someone with the skills and contacts and experience to maintain efficiency. Efficiency is the goal here, because we also stand for minimal Government.

By minimal Government, we want to see private groups and individuals be in charge of their own well-being. Why should the Government take tax money from you to do something when there are groups out there that are willing to do the same job at no cost to the taxpayers? I personally donate to causes like providing food for noobs and stuff like that all the time, but I think that's how it should be done. We should support this cause because it's a good cause, and so we should willingly give our money to it. I would be against being forced to support it by having tax money go to it though. There are too many easy ways to make money in this game for the Government to have to spend money on things that the people can do.

The Gold Party supports this effort, the effort of helping people learn to make their own money, on our forums through our Party Education boards. We want to teach you to make enough money to support the Government. Supporting the Government in a fiscal fashion is something we should do willingly, provided the Government creates an atmosphere that promotes Economic Expansion. All our Policies are linked - Capitalism provides opportunity, we teach people to grasp this opportunity, and the people in turn support the Government.

One of the biggest things I see other Parties do, is talk about how they give you food and gifts, ect. I'm not going to tell you the Gold Party is going to do that, although I have given out food to Gold Party members before. I will tell you that we will instead teach you to be able to afford your own food and gifts and stuff. Much better quality goods than you would get from a hand-out too. We want to give you the ability to make the choice of what to pick by yourself. You want Q5 food? You want a nice house? We want to teach you how to get those.

We are also more than willing to work with other Parties to make sure the job gets done. There is no reason that a Project should be limited to only our Party if having more people would help to make it a better thing. We are currently working with the United SA Party on a project that will help eSA businesses out. This is something that is more important than hogging all the glory for this idea. Working with the United SA Party on this, we can expect to see better results than just the Gold Party doing it. As they say, two minds are better than one, or in this case, 125 minds are better than 40. Anything that supports our main mutual goal (making a stronger eSA) is worth working together on. Expect to see this plan unveiled in the near future.

Foreign Affairs -

Since trade is so important to this philosophy, it only makes sense that we would support Foreign Affairs Policies that open up our Nation to as much trade as possible. This is one of the main reasons we support the Sol Alliance. Being a neutral alliance means we lose as few trading partners as possible. If we were to get into the PEACE - EDEN/Fortis conflict, not only do we lose half the world as far as trade is concerned, we run the risk of making long term enemies.

Economics -

Low Taxes. That's the summation of this, but there's a lot of detail to it. Low taxes create an environment that is friendly to workers and business owners. This in turn supports population growth. More people will move here and work here, supporting our business, buying our goods, and paying our taxes if we create an environment that is open to such a thing.

The Government only needs so much money. There's the Military, there's MPPs, war games, and after that there isn't too much that is necessary. Taxes should cover our needs and no more.

We support a strong ZAR, but by this, it isn't meant a high-valued ZAR. It means a strong, fluid monetary market. If we have a strong, fluid money market, then businesses can sell their gold for ZAR easier, the citizens can sell their ZAR for gold easier, and the Government can fund it's necessary obligations easier. A strong, fluid money market is a central part of maintaining a strong economy.

I just wanted to have that down somewhere for everyone to see. It's important that people see how the Gold Party is different than the other Parties.

Anyone is welcome to sign up on the Forums.

Thank you for your time,

-Enoch Root
President of the South African Gold Party
Minister of Finance
Governor of the Reserve Bank of South Africa