A Message From Supreme Emperor Plato

Day 1,560, 12:07 Published in Poland United Kingdom by Mr. Katze

Hello, hello. As you all probably know, I have recently made an addition to this game in which you can upgrade your training facilities to Q2 or some BS like that.
Now, I could go into what this is and what its purpose is, but I am far too lazy.

Instead I'm going to tell you all about why you HAVE to buy it.

So, while I was on one of my many archaeological expeditions(1) around the world, I was in Africa studying some old Eskimo igloo remains when suddenly I was informed by a wild squirtle that at the top of Mt. Everest there were ancient secret Mayan tablets that contained a message crucial to the players of eRepublik and would help them greatly in the game, and because I LOVE YOU SO MUCH(2) I knew I simply had to see what it was.

So I ventured up Mt. Everest and found the tablets fairly quickly, they were hidden under some old jewellery and diamonds, which I quickly tossed aside(3). I soon set to translating the ancient tablets, it was very difficult and took around 39 seconds in all. Here's a sketch(4) I took of what the tablet looked like before the transcription:

Very intriguing indeed.

Upon transcribing it, this is what it then sai😛

So I quickly rushed back here to write this article about my amazing discovery.
And that's why you should buy gold and get Q2 training facilities.

This has been a message from Supreme Emperor Plato.


(3)-Put in my backpack
(4)-Took a picture of