A Lot of Stuff (plus a voting record)

Day 765, 15:54 Published in USA USA by Fionia

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In this article
More Endorsements
Goodbye Congress
Trivia Competition v2
NAU business
300 Days
Voting Records, 24th Congress
Merry Christmas!

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3 More Endorsements

Since my last article, I have received some requests to endorse candidates for Congress.

Preston Sage: He is a USWP member running in Texas. He is somewhat active on the forums, but he also has a very active newspaper. He regularly prints articles, and, as I can say from having read several of them, they are very well-thought out and high-quality articles. He is also endorsed by Josh Frost, ST6, and the Eagles Militia, and I strongly believe that he will be a strong and highly capable congressman.

Cerce Tentones: A USWPer running in Iowa. He is a very friendly and intelligent person, seen quite a bit on the USWP forums and also occasionally seen on IRC. It is always good to have new faces in politics, and, based on his platform and conversations with him, I would be glad to see him in Congress.

Ikhsan Hadiputro: AAPer for North Dakota. In the interest of non-partisanship, I am glad to endorse any good candidate from any party, if they want my endorsement. Ikhsan is a relative newcomer to the game, but he has done quite well so far in terms of being active. He works for the CTF, runs two companies, and is active in his party. He asked for my endorsement after reading my last article, and I am happy to give it.

Goodbye Congress (For Now)


In all seriousness, though, I've had quite an interesting three terms in Congress. I may not have enjoyed the whole time, but in all honesty, I'm glad that I was there. This was a great start to a political career which I'm hoping will be quite lengthy. It's helped me see and take advantage of some opportunities that might not otherwise have been available. I've also met some amazing people and been able to become much more active, in the game as a whole and within my own party.

Thanks guys (voters, supporters, and the just generally awesome people like Jude, Lig, and Devan). 🙂 I'll be back soon.

Trivia Competition, Round 2

First of all, congratulations to the winner of the first competition, Iasov. I am now opening the competition list up for another round, since I already have a Q1 house ready. In interest of fairness, Iasov is barred from entering this round. Sign-ups will run for until January 4 because it is the holiday season, then I will notify the competitors. Again, 20 competitors, 7 USD entry fee to this org, and a Q1 house as a prize. The sign-up form is here.

NAU News

The NAU is once again accepting sign-ups for classes. There are some changes, though; I am running the show now, and the Politics class has been removed. Sign-ups will run for the next three weeks, so sign up now. If you have any questions about this, PM me, or, if there are rampant bugs with PMs, come talk to me in the #nau channel.

300 Days

Believe it or not, I'm relatively old around here. Eborn on day 456, I recently hit the 300 day mark. Time has flown. It seems like just yesterday that I moved from Russia to Canada, then Canada to the US (even though that was mid-July). Or that I first bought my newspaper and wrote my first Congressional platform (late September). Or that I....I could go on and on. It's been 300+ interesting days, and I'm hoping for ~60 more at least.

Voting Record for the 24th Congress

If you have any questions about any of the votes or would like to know explanations for them, come find me in my IRC channel, or PM me in-game or on the eUS forums.

Note: these are only updated through the 15th of December, I will update again at some point next week. And also, a shoutout to Rheinlander who made the incredibly extensive articles that I based this off of.

In-game Proposals
Donations: These occur on an almost daily basis to the Congressional Budget Office, to ensure that our government has money to use.
25 November: US😨 Yes
27 November: US😨 Yes
28 November: HRK: Yes
29 November: US😨 Yes
30 November: US😨 Yes
1 December: US😨 Yes
2 December: US😨 Yes
4 December: Gol😛 Yes
5 December: PTE: Yes
6 December: US😨 Yes
7 December: US😨 Yes
8 December: US😨 Yes
9 December: US😨 Yes
10 December: US😨 Yes
13 December: GBP: Yes
14 December: US😨 Yes
15 December: US😨 Yes

MPPs: Some of these were regular renewals, others were for countries that wanted to participate in our war games with Ireland. A few were special cases, which can be explained if necessary.
25 November: Singapore: war games: Yes
26 November: Romania: renewal: Yes
26 November: Paraguay: war games: Yes
27 November: Bosnia and Herzegovina: renewal: Yes
28 November: Australia: renewal: Yes
28 November: Finlan😛 renewal: Yes
1 December: India: special case: No
4 December: Peru: special case: Yes
4 December: Greece: renewal: Yes
5 December: Czech Republic: renewal: Yes
8 December: Chile: war games: Yes
8 December: Croatia: renewal: Yes
8 December: Slovakia: special case: Yes
9 December: Polan😛 special case: Yes
11 December: Sweden: renewal: Yes
12 December: Norway: renewal: Yes
14 December: Switzerlan😛 special case: Yes
15 December: Spain: renewal: Yes

War Declarations/Peace Proposals: In the interest of not making this article too long, these are all votes where you need to PM me if you want an explanation.
6 December: War: Japan: Yes
8 December: Peace: China: Yes
15 December: Peace: Japan: Yes
15 December: Peace: Irelan😛 Yes

Issue Money: We periodically do this to maintain a supply of USD.
7 December: 200,000 USD for 1,000 Gol😛 Yes

Lulz Proposals: These are proposals made simply because senators get an exp point for voting in-game. I vote NO on all of them, and personally refuse to make them ( we get notifications of each new proposal, and it annoys me).

Forum votes
There are also several things that happen only on the forums.

27 November: Nominations for Speaker of the House: missed due to Thanksgiving
28 November: Vote for Speaker of the House: voted for Serendipitous: see my last article for more about this.
29 November: Vote to join EDEN: voted Yes: contact for explanation
30 November: Committee Reorganization Act: restructuring Congress: Yes
30 November: SCI Amendment to eUS Code: changing the eUS Code of Law to reflect how the Select Committee on Intelligence (SCI) is actually run: Yes
2 December: Addition to the eUS Code of Law Ad Hoc - Creation of “Congressional Outreach Program”: a citizen retention program: Yes
4 December: The Jack Flufferton Prize: a media prize to reward excellent jounralism in different categories: Yes
5 December: US Govt Budget Jan '10 - Mar '10: Yes
9 December: eUS Lottery: Yes

Again, these are only updated through December 15.

Merry Christmas!

It's the Christmas season. Time for joy and happiness and all that stuff. It's also the perfect time for people to stop what they are doing in eRep for a few days, take a break, and remember that eRep 😕= real life. At least, that's what I'm doing. Whatever your plans, enjoy them and enjoy the holidays! 😃

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Signing off,