A look inside US Army

Day 1,870, 10:10 Published in USA USA by Mister Y

Good day Ladies and Gentlemen.
I’m here, after a year of silence, to provide a look inside our Military Unit, the US Army, and its soldiers.

What is US Army?

US Army is an élite mobile branch of the eUSA Military Armies, which also include US Marine Corps, Airborne, US Mobile Infantry, National Guard and US Training Corps. Our focus is take the fight to help our allies in critical battles and securing critical regions that forward the US objective.

What kind of supplies, a soldier of the Army receive?
Every member who works in US Army factories receive a daily allotment of up to 8 Q7 tanks per day and, if necessary, also the food and the moving tickets to fight where it was ordained. In addition to this, a soldier receives additional supply above this for critical battles if he joins our channel, #usa-battle, open every night from 17:00 eRep time, and follow the orders.

What are the requirements to join US Army?
- Do 200 influence without weapons
- Apply here: http://tinyurl.com/Army-App-Form
- Contact Kria Erikson for info.
- Random joiners of the MU can and will be kicked!

Actually we are 69 effective members in the army, and these are their stats (data updated on Sunday, 30th of December):

These are all members ordered by rank:

And at least the members ordered by strength points, with level, rank and and medals:

I hope to be alive next Sunday, to look at the progress of each member of our glorious Army and to write anoher article on it.

Stay well, don't drink too much and study hard.