A Look at Political Parties in eUK

Day 1,057, 11:07 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by ePocalypse

First of all let me say that I do not claim to be impartial on this subject. I am a proud member of The Unity Party and strongly believe in our policies and ideologies. Having said that, I will give my genuine thoughts on the parties and provide links where you can read more about each party. If you’re not sure which party is for you, I really do recommend reading each parties wiki to help make your mind up.

Joining a party is certainly a good move. You can get access to their private forum areas and IRC channels and meet like minded people. You can discuss and help develop policies and perhaps even more importantly, get involved in a community that can support and encourage you whether you choose to run for congress, get involved in ministries or just give a helping hand when it's needed.

Top 5 parties in order of membership numbers.

The Unity Party

Number of members: 315
Orientation: Centre-Left, Libertarian

What the party says:
The Unity Party is a democratic socialist party. It believes that by the strength of our common endeavour we achieve more than we achieve alone, so as to create for each of us the means to realise our true potential and for all of us a community in which power, wealth and opportunity are in the hands of the many not the few; where the rights we enjoy reflect the duties we owe and where we live together freely, in a spirit of solidarity, tolerance and respect.

What I say:
TUP is a party which works to improve our nation by encouraging opportunity for all and supporting newer players through our social schemes and our actions. Only by supporting all citizens can our nation be strong and prosperous, as well as a fair society. We also have an extremely active community and every member is encouraged to contribute.

TUP Wiki
TUP Constitution
The Unity Food Programme
Unity Welcome Baskets

United Kingdom Reform Party

Number of members: 188
Orientation: Centre Right, Libertarian

What the party says:
Our goal in the United Kingdom is to constantly look for ways to improve country and community, in every aspect of Erepublik. We will never be satisfied with being the best, we will never stop looking for ways to reform. We shall push on, tirelessly, relentlessly, to ensure that the citizens of the United Kingdom are cared for, and have the ability to do as they choose. Today, Tomorrow, Together, the UKRP.

What I say:
If you are a fan of Margaret Thatcher then you're sure to want to join this party. In fact a leading contender for their PP elections goes by that name, as does at least one other UKRP member (our well respected Minister of Finance). They're the second largest party in eUK and are generally considered as the opposition to TUP.


Peoples Communist Party

Number of members: 103
Orientation: Far Left, Libertarian

What the party says:
The guiding principle of the "People's Communist Party" is equality for all citizens, regardless of status, race, gender, age, wealth or experience. This is the guiding principle in eRepublik that we support and hold true.

What I say:
If you like saying bourgeois, comrade and proletariat a lot then this is probably the party for you. You probably won’t care if Party Presidents and senior members fight against our nation and military in battles and nor will you mind if you vote for a left wing government and end up with a predominantly right wing one.

PCP Wiki

Radical Freethinkers Alliance

Number of members: 92
Orientation: Centre, Libertarian

What the party says:
The Radical Freethinkers Alliance is not a political party in the normal sense. It doesn’t fit into one particular place on the political axis and does not have an immutable ideological philosophy. We reject traditional notions of left-right wing politics and draw on the relevant solutions for the situation. We are not restricted to stay with one viewpoint so can adapt to the situation thrown to us.

What I say:
As they say, they’re a collection of individuals with widely varying viewpoints and ideals. This can lead to disagreements and arguments. They say that they can adapt to a situation but I suggest you take a look at their policies and make your own judgement.

RFA Wiki

British Democratic Party

Number of members: 51
Orientation: Centre Right, Libertarian

What the party says:
The British Democratic Party is the second incarnation of The Real Democrats. The name and political orientation/idealogy was changed to add fresh impetus to the party during Eric Ross' September/October term.

What I say:
Can’t remember seeing them do anything. No policies that I’m aware of.

BDP Wiki

That covers the top 5. Now go and check each party out and see which one is right for you.

Dan Moir