A letter to eRepublik Labs

Day 1,471, 13:36 Published in USA Poland by code0011

As you have not ceased to remind us over the past few weeks, eRepublik has now been around for four years. During this period several versions have been used, removed and replaced. Several spin-off's have been created, two which have sort of taken off. Millions of accounts have been made and ~290,000 are actively in use.

The App Store has been around for 3 years, has over 500,000 Apps, and boasts a total of over 18,000,000,000 downloads.

This begs a question: Why is there not an eRepublik app? It seems logical that a game of this size deserves an app to go with it, which is why I propose the following request:

Facilitate the immediate creation of an eRepublik App.

Here is a list of ideas that I had about the app:

1) Make it easier to navigate between different pages. You have inevitably seen what Facebook did with their app, I'm sure you can do something similar.
2) You can get ads on an app. Pester the hell out of people who download the free version so they download the paid version.
3) Make an incentive for people to download the paid for app, such as a bonus to strength when you train, or a monthly gold reward, or a Super Special Awesome goody bundle, which could include any or all of the following: Q5 weapons, bazookas, gold, currency, strength, rank points, storage, land etc...
4) Create special missions and achievements for the app to encourage people to download it.
5) Create an ability to work and train while offline. I have lost countless amounts of gold because the area I decided to go camping in didn't have signal. If there was an app that would allow me to work while offline and then sync with the main eRepublik server once the app went online I, and anyone else who has ever had this problem would have a lot fewer FFFFFFFUUUUUUUU moments.

I welcome any and all suggestions in relation to my request.

A letter to eRepublik Labs
~~~Chain Shout or Something~~~