A Letter from the Future President of SNUP

Day 1,029, 11:08 Published in Singapore Japan by Johnnie Danger

Well, I'm Johnnie Danger and i am one of the candidates running for President of SNUP. I have been around a long time and i'm an old man in erep and irl. I'm always able to be found in #esingapore chatroom. i answer my emails in a timely fashion, and i look cute in a white hat. What more could you want in a Party President?

I'm not gonna make this article tl,dr so i'll keep it short and sweet. so here comes my banner slogan:

"A Vote for Danger is a Vote for Safety!"

I'm P sure ABC also supports me for PP, but don't quote me on that.

I love you all (even thedark)!

Johnnie Danger