A letter from FAILANTIS to you

Day 419, 14:17 Published in Indonesia Bolivia by Fabrizzio

Hi everyone. First of all, I’m an Argentinean citizen. When Siddy (Argentinean President) and kurtkbain (Argentinean MoFA) told Argentinean people that we should consider to leave Atlantis and become neutral, I was not sure, so I has been asking them about Atlantis (Failantis since now) and I wanted to tell you something about this beautiful … how they say…oh yes, “alliance”.

We’re a powerful alliance who aids our friends…when there is economical profit or something like this there, of course. When Argentina was declared war by Brazil, Spain showed their opportunity: “hey men, what about attacking Portugal? We always wanted this, and now we can say that this is for the Argentina – Brazil situation…this is our chance!” so they declared war to Portugal, which was why Indonesia declared war to Argentina too.

Ok, we’re powerful and we aid our friends, but we’re organized too!! … But only in good times, of course. When Spain declared war to Portugal (and to France indirectly), Canada fast said that they wanted their part, two regions (they were supposed to attack one the first day, the other one the second day, but they attacked the two regions the first day, causing an extra gold spending for all – It doesn’t matter!). Then USA and UK realized that they could win some territories, Spain had the war opened so they said let’s go and finally even Sweden joined the party, or the “French Toast Operation” like they named it. And Atlatins, oh sorry, Failantis started to win territories.

We’re powerful, we aid our friends, and we’re organized…and cautious. Or not? When we saw that we were winning in France, we decided to expend all our resources in that war, when all we known that Argentina were going to be attacked soon or later. “It doesn’t matter, we’re winning in France!” Well, we were winning. But finally, we lost the war. We lost the war, our weapons and our gold. We spent all in that war. And then (oh, surprise!) Argentina was attacked while Rumania was attacking Russia in order to help in the French front (¿?).

I said that we’re a powerful alliance who aids our friends? Oh sorry, I mean that sometimes aid our friends. When Argentina was attacked, we only received some aid from Norway, Finland, Spain and some from Romania. It would be unfair not to say this. What about USA? Oh yes, they did their part, that just was to have a Q5 hospital where the Spaniards could help us, and told to their soldiers not to spend weapons or gold in this war. What about Canada? Since they lost their French territories they disappeared, like UK. Romanians helped us the first day, but while they were wining in Russia. When we signed the ceasefire treaty, they asked us to attack Indonesia so they could complete the invasion of Russia. Sweden was being attacked, so we can’t complain anything to them. Spain really helped and spent gold and weapons for us, and I’m sorry that this was for nothing, and now they feel like betrayed by us.

So finally Argentina, after losing three regions, signed a ceasefire treaty and started to talk about a peace treaty (NOT about joining Peace, is not the same). And what was the Failantis response? They insulted us calling us cowards. It’s easy to say coward to somebody when you hadn’t to move out form your region because it has been conquered. Argentina always helped Failantis, we did our attacks to Indo when required, we sent our troops where required, and all what receive is “cowards” when we were going to lose our country. Argentina always has respected other countries and the Atlantis treaty…oh, have I said Atlantis treaty? The same Atlantis treaty that was broken by Spain and Romania when they declared a war without aware us? The same that was broken by Canada, for example, when they didn’t send help to us when we were attacked? Yes, I mean that treaty.
Argentina wanted to be neutral from now, having MPP with booth Indonesia and Spain, but Spain, people who we thought that was our friend, has rejected it. And now they call us cowards again because we’re considering joining Peace…well guys, I think that you have some kind of problem.

These are some facts about Failantis, and why Argentina is considering very seriously joining Peace.

With love