A Key To Player Retention

Day 980, 06:08 Published in USA Serbia by FirstLaw

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If you're a new player in eRepublic and hope to advance in this game. The worst way to do it is by living in the eUSA; primarily because of an oppressive tax rate (23% as of this writing). Wages are low and food (which you must buy and eat every day) is expensive. By the time you work and do what you need to survive in this game. You'd be lucky to have more than two dimes to rub together.

This has been discussed with the leadership, but they are determined to leave things as they are. Candidates running for Congress and President have also supported this tax rate. The military's performance recently has been sub-par so I would go so far to predict that taxes will INCREASE at some point in the future.

This is devastating to a new player and hinders him. There are programs such as the "meals on wheels" where food is donated, but this doesn't address the problem. It costs money to do everything! In order to advance in this game, a player must actually accumulate wealth. Sooo...

Move to Poland!

If you've just signed up, you stand a good chance of starting out in Polish occupied territory. As of this writing, Arizona, California, Idaho, Illinois, Montana, Nevada, New York, Oregon, South Dakota, Tennessee and West Virginia are under Polish occupation. I suggest you stay there!

This isn't as bad as it seems. For now, Poland is our ally. Some of these states are being leased to them while other states fell into their possession when fighting off a Russian invasion of North America.

But most importantly, Poland has a much better tax rate (only 10😵, wages are higher (a harvester makes the most at this moment), and food is dirt cheap. This is quite a relief to a new player's checkbook and it will give you a fighting chance in this game.

You can buy American dollars or gold on the Monetary Market with the Polish currency you are paid in, you can still participate in battles since the two countries are allies, and at some point in the future you can move to the US or chose your own destiny!

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